Panasonic Industry / Automation Controls
Panasonic Industry / Automation Controls

Photovoltaic MOSFET driver high power type | PhotoMOS

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MOSFET drivers for high-speed operation and low on-resistance

UL Approved

Please refer to "the latest product specifications" when designing your product.
Please refer to "Cautions For Use" in the catalog, and "Related Information" on our website.

    • Features

      1. Miniature SSOP package
      2. High-speed MOSFET operation (high output current: APV1111GV)
      3. Low on-resistance of MOSFET (high output voltage: APV3111GV)
    • Typical Applications

      1. Driving MOSFET
        Measuring equipment, Testing equipment,
        Industrial machinery, Industrial equipment,
        Data center, FA power supply
        Note: Please contact our sales representative for automotive applications of PhotoMOS.

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      • 箱入数

        テーピング包装 Y : 1リール 3,500 個、外箱 3,500 個
        テーピング包装 1Y : 1リール 1,000 個、外箱 1,000 個

      • 注)

        2,スペースの都合上、品番の頭2⽂字 "AP" と末尾のパッケージ (SSOP) 表⽰ "V" は商品に捺印しておりません。また、包装形態区分 "Y" も捺印しておりません。
        (ex: 品番 APV1111GVY → 捺印 V1111G)
        3,テーピング包装は 1、4番端⼦が引き出し⽅向です。2、3番端子が引き出し方向のテーピング包装も対応可能です。当社営業担当までお問い合わせください。


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