Panasonic Industry / Automation Controls
Panasonic Industry / Automation Controls

Order Placement Recommendations and Considerations
[Excluding specific product*]

* Specific product refer to Tactile Switches, Detector Switches, Push Switches, Encoders, Rotary Potentiometers, Position Sensors and Touch Panels.
For these specific products, please refer to the requests to customers (Automation Control Components & Industrial Device) [For specific product].

The Products and Specifications listed in this document are subject to change without notice (including specifications, manufacturing facility and discontinuing the end of Products) as occasioned by the improvements of Products. Consequently, when you review the mass-production design for the Products listed or when you place orders for these Products, Panasonic Industry Co., Ltd. asks you to contact one of our sales representatives and check that the details listed in the document are commensurate with the most up-to-date information.

Safety precautions

Panasonic Industry Co., Ltd. is consistently striving to improve quality and reliability.
However, the fact remains that electrical components and devices generally cause failures at a given statistical probability. Furthermore, their durability varies with use environments or use conditions. In this respect, please check for actual electrical components and devices under actual conditions before use without fail. Continued usage in a state of degraded condition may cause the deteriorated insulation, thus result in abnormal heat, smoke or firing.
Please carry out safety design and periodic maintenance including redundancy design, design for fire spread prevention, and design for malfunction prevention so that no accidents resulting in injury or death, fire accidents, or social damage will be caused as a result of failure of the Products or ending life of the Products.

As scope of warranty changes in accordance with your application, quality standards of Products fall into the following three categories depending on the applications of the products:
Reference Standards, Special Standards, and Specified Standards that meet the quality assurance program designated by the customer. These quality standards have been established so that our products will be used for the applications listed below.

  • Reference Standards    :    Computers, office automation equipment, communications equipment,audio-video products, home electrical appliances, machine tools, personal devices, industrial robot
  • Special Standards    :    Transportation equipment (automobiles, trains, ships, etc.), traffic signal equipment, crime and disaster prevention devices, electric power equipment, various safety devices, and medical equipment not directly targeted for life support
  • Specified Standards    :    Aircraft equipment, aeronautical and space equipment, seabed relay equipment, nuclear power control systems, and medical equipment, devices and systems for life support

In the case that your usage is under the following conditions without exchanging the new specifications, Panasonic Industry Co., Ltd. shall not warrant the quality of the Products.
Panasonic Industry Co., Ltd. asks you to contact one of our sales representatives before exchange written in specifications.

  1. When our products are to be used in any of the applications listed for the Special Standards or Specified Standards.
  2. When, even for any of the applications listed for the Reference Standards, our products may possibly be used beyond the range of the specifications, environment or conditions listed in the document or when you are considering the use of our products in any conditions or an environment that is not listed in the document.
  3. When you change to other equipment that have different usage condition after exchange the specifications in the usage above condition 1.

Acceptance inspection

In connection with the products you have purchased from us or with the products delivered to your premises, please perform an acceptance inspection with all due speed and, in connection with the handling of our products both before and during the acceptance inspection, please give full consideration to the control and preservation of our products.

Warranty period

Unless otherwise stipulated by both parties, the warranty period of our products is one year after their purchase by you or after their delivery to the location specified by you.

Scope of warranty

In the event that Panasonic Industry Co., Ltd. confirms any failures or defects of the Products by reasons solely attributable to Panasonic Industry Co., Ltd. during the warranty period,Panasonic Industry Co., Ltd. shall supply the replacements of the Products, parts or replace and/or repair the defective portion by free of charge at the location where the Products were purchased or delivered to your premises as soon as possible.
However, please note that the following failures and defects are not covered by the warranty, Panasonic Industry Co., Ltd. does not take any responsibility:

  1. When the failure or defect was caused by a specification, standard, handling method, etc. which was specified by you.
  2. When the failure or defect was caused after purchase or delivery to your premises by an alteration in construction, performance, specification, etc. which did not involve us.
  3. When the failure or defect was caused by a phenomenon that could not be predicted by the technology at purchasing or contracted time.
  4. When the use of our Products deviated from the scope of the conditions and environment set forth in the specifications.
  5. When, after our Products were incorporated into your Products or equipment for use, damage resulted which could have been avoided if your Products or equipment had been equipped with the functions, construction, etc. the provision of which is accepted practice in the industry.
  6. When the failure or defect was caused by a natural disaster or other force majeure.
  7. When the Products is resold.

The terms and conditions of the warranty set forth in this Order Placement Recommendations and Consideration shall apply to the Products purchased or delivered to your premises. And the above terms and conditions shall not cover any induced damages by the failure or defects of the Products. In any case, Panasonic Industry Co., Ltd. will compensate up to the maximum amount you paid for the number of defective Products.