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PhotoMOS Technical Terminology

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1. Technical Terminology

InputLED forward currentIFCurrent that flows between the input terminals when the input diode is forward biased.
LED reverse voltageVRReverse breakdown voltage between the input terminals.
Peak forward currentIFPMaximum instantaneous value of the forward current.
LED operate currentIFonCurrent when the output switches on (by increasing the LED current) with a designated supply voltage and load connected between the output terminals.
LED turn off currentIFoffCurrent when the output switches off (by decreasing the LED current) after operating the device with a designated supply voltage and load connected between the output terminals.
LED dropout voltageVFDropout voltage between the input terminals due to forward current.
Power dissipationPinAllowable power dissipation between the input terminals.
OutputLoad voltageVLSupply voltage range at the output used to normally operate the PhotoMOS®.
Represents the peak value for AC voltages.
Continuous load currentILMaximum current value that flows continuously between the output terminals of the PhotoMOS® under designated ambient temperature conditions. Represents the peak value for AC current.
On resistanceRonObtained using the equation below from dropout voltage VDS (on) between the output terminals (when a designated LED current is made to flow through the input terminals and the designated load current through the output terminals.)
Ron = VDS (on)/IL
Off state leakage currentILeakCurrent flowing to the output when a designated supply voltage is applied between the output terminals with no LED current flow.
Power dissipationPoutAllowable power dissipation between the output terminals.
Open-circuit output voltageVocVoltage required for driving a MOSFET
Short-circuit currentIscCurrent that is output from the driver when the input is turned on
Turn on timeTonDelay time until the output switches on after a designated LED current is made to flow through the input terminals.
Turn off timeToffDelay time until the output switches off after the designated LED current flowing through the input terminals is cut off.
I/O capacitanceCisoCapacitance between the input and output terminals.
Output capacitanceCoutCapacitance between output terminals when LED current does not flow.
I/O isolation resistanceRisoResistance between terminals (input and output) when a specified voltage is applied between the input and output terminals.
Total power dissipationPTAllowable power dissipation in the entire circuit between the input and output terminals.
I/O isolation voltageVisoCritical value before dielectric breakdown occurs, when a high voltage is applied for 1 minute between the same terminals where the I/O isolation resistance is measured.
OperatingToprAmbient temperature range in which the PhotoMOS® can operate normally with a designated load current conditions.
StorageTstgAmbient temperature range in which the PhotoMOS® can be stored without applying voltage.
Max. operating frequencyMax. operating frequency at which a PhotoMOS® can operate normally when applying the specified pulse input to the input terminal

2. Reliability tests

Life testsHigh temperature storage testTstg (Max.)Determines resistance to long term storage at high temperature.
Low temperature storage testTstg (Min.)Determines resistance to long term storage at low temperature.
High temperature and high humidity storage test85°C, 85% RHDetermines resistance to long term storage at high temperature and high humidity.
Continuous operation life testVL = Max., IL = Max.,
IF = Recommended LED forward current
Determines resistance to electrical stress (voltage and current).
Temperature cycling testLow storage temperature (Tstg Min.)
High storage temperature (Tstg Max.)
Determines resistance to exposure to both low temperatures and high temperatures.
Thermal shock testLow temperature (0°C),
High temperature (100°C)
Determines resistance to exposure to sudden changes in temperature.
Solder burning resistance260±5°C, 10 sDetermines resistance to thermal stress occurring while soldering.
Vibration test196 m/s2 {20 G}, 100 to 2,000 Hz *1Determines the resistance to vibration sustained during shipment or operation.
Shock test9,800 m/s2 {1,000 G} 0.5 ms *2;
4,900 m/s2 {500 G} 1 ms
Determines the mechanical and structural resistance to shock.
Terminal strength testDetermined from terminal shape and cross sectionDetermines the resistance to external force on the terminals of the PhotoMOS® mounted on the PC board while wiring or operating.
Solderability245°C, 3 s (with soldering flux)Evaluates the solderability of the terminals.

*1: 10 to 55 Hz at double amplitude of 3 mm for Power PhotoMOS®.
*2: 4,900 m/s2, 1 ms for Power PhotoMOS®.

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