Panasonic Industry / Automation Controls
Panasonic Industry / Automation Controls

3.5mm x 2.9mm Side-operational SMD (EVQP7/EVQP3/EVQ9P7) | Tactile Switches (Light Touch Switches)

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  • Basic Information

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External dimensions: 3.5 x 2.9mm. Wide variety of terminal shape. Enhanced push plate strength performance.

  • Side Push

Please refer to "the latest product specifications" when designing your product.
Please refer to "Cautions For Use" in the catalog, and "Related Information" on our website.

    • Features

      1. External dimensions: 3.5 mm x 2.9 mm, Height 1.35 mm
      2. A wide range of terminal type: L-shape, J-bent, Straight
      3. High mount ability
      4. Push plate strength enhanced type

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