Panasonic Industry / Automation Controls
Panasonic Industry / Automation Controls

Difference between Polarized and Non-polarized Relays

Mechanical relays Selection Guide

1.Difference between Polarized and Non-polarized Relays

Main relaysLQDS-P, DK, ST
Contact arrangement1a, 1c1a, 1b, 1c, 2a, 2b, 2c, 1a1b, 4a, 4c, 2a2b, 3a1b
Latching typeWithoutWith
Nominal operating power
(Comparison: 10A type)
LQ relays 200 mW
(1 Form A contact only)
DK relays 200 mW
Vibration and shock resistanceWeak compared to polarized relays.Strong compared to non-polarized relays.

2.Features of polarized power relay

Latching type

Coil power consumption can be controlled, because ON or OFF state of relay contact can be held using pulse input (zero power consumption when there is no pulse drive).

Non-polarized (non-latching) typePolarized (latching) type
Current flows endlessly through coil

Not efficient when continually powered.

Power saving realized with pulse drive

High efficiency when continually powered.


High sensitivity

When compared under the same contact capacity, the polarized relays are more sensitive than non-polarized relays.

Compared with 10 A switching capacityLQ relays 200 mW (1 Form A contact only)
DK relays 200 mW

Superior vibration resistance

Vibration resistance (Functional)LQ relays 10 to 55 Hz (double amplitude of 1.6 mm)
DK relays 10 to 55 Hz (double amplitude of 3 mm)

Superior NC (b contact) switching ability

Contact bouncing when resetting is controlled thanks to power of permanent magnet.
NC switching ability at same level as NO (a contact) is maintained.

● During relay reset

Non-polarized typePolarized type
Bouncing is pronounced, because resetting is carried out only by the power of the contact string.
⇒ Much damage to the contact

Much damage to the contact

Positive resetting to NC thanks to the double power of contact spring and permanent magnet.
⇒ Little damage to the contact

Little damage to the contact


Power Relays (for General Use) Related Information