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Control FPWIN Pro7 Detailed Version-Up Information

Version-up Information

Version-Up Information (Ver. to Ver. (February 3, 2025 update)

Corrected the following errors.

  • Dialog “PLC date and time (RTC)...”
    • After the PLC date and time had been set in the PLC, it sometimes happened that they were no longer updated when they were set to the system date and time. This has been fixed.
    • When the time zone settings were changed in the Windows operating system, the current time zone was sometimes not preset in the PLC date and time dialog. This has been fixed.
  • Code generation
    • Incorrect code was generated for function calls of system library functions when one argument used a MOD instruction and a following argument contained a DIV instruction to calculate an array element. Example: FP_SET_BIT (nPos := iPos MOD 16, d := awBuffer[iPos/16]);
    • Incorrect code was generated when arrays in a nested array of DUT were accessed by an array index with a computational formula.
    • When a DUT element in a nested array of DUT was accessed with constant indices, the same code was generated as for access with variable indices and no optimization was performed.
    • Incorrect code was generated when using Boolean variables of an array of DUT in OR expressions.
    • There was no error message if a transition program and a Boolean variable in an SFC program had the same name.
    • Control FPWIN Pro7 crashed if one of the operands of a Boolean comparison was a Boolean constant (TRUE or FALSE) and the other a DF instruction. Example: bOut := DF(bIn) = false;
  • Version control
    • The version of a working copy is now checked, and if it must be rejected to avoid dealing with unknown data, this is reported in the following cases:
      • opening a version-controlled project
      • creating a version-controlled project from a nested working copy
      • creating a version-controlled user library in a project
  • Others
    • In a CSV export of an array of DUT declared as VAR_GLOBAL_RETAIN, the DUT variables were exported as VAR_RETAIN instead of VAR_GLOBAL_RETAIN. This has been fixed.

Version-Up Information (Ver. to Ver. (August 20, 2024 update)

Corrected the following errors.

  • Online edit mode, Download program code changes to PLC
    • If an address assignment with overlapping addresses was uploaded from the PLC, the overlapping addresses were not detected during compilation. This has been fixed.
  • Code generation
    • The address ranges of some FP7 instructions, such as FP_COPY, were not checked. This has been fixed.
    • The checker for overlapping user and system address ranges has been improved to accept subsequent user ranges if there is no system range between them.
      For example, FP_COPY 0, DT5000, DT20000 can also be compiled in the following cases:
      • if DT5000 is a user address in theDT non-hold area
      • if DT20000 is a user address in the DT hold area
      • if the DT non-hold system area is empty
    • As a side-effect of a bug fix, the system variable sys_bIsAddOnCassetteError could no longer be compiled on an FP0H PLC. This has been fixed.
    • After compiling WORD_TO_INT(FP_DIRECT_INPUT(...)), the ST editor crashed. This has been fixed.
    • FP0H PLCs: The instruction F385_Positioning_WriteData_Backup is now available.
  • Editors
    • In the Compile/check pane, the buttons Go to next location and Go to previous location did not work in Asian user interfaces. This has been fixed.
    • In the status bar, the message The Control FPWIN Pro7 project has not been compiled. appeared three times in the Japanese and Chinese user interfaces. This has been fixed.
  • Others
    • In network environments using proxy servers on Windows 11, the <F1> key to open the InfoHub online help sometimes did not work and the offline help was displayed. These proxy servers also prevented notification and display of software update information when a newer version was available. This has been fixed.
    • On some occasions, a crash occurred when a manipulated project file was opened which could cause a vulnerability problem. This has been fixed.

Version-Up Information (Ver. to Ver. (April 1, 2024 update)

The following points have been upgraded.

  • Online mode
      • For FP7 PLC types:
        • Implemented a System history functionality to show system logs of events and operation errors.
  • Code generation
      • Implemented new typed conversion functions that support LREAL, such as INT_TO_LREAL or LREAL_TO_UDINT, in addition to the overloaded
       conversion functions.
  • Others
      •Changed the company name from Panasonic Industrial Devices SUNX Co., Ltd. to Panasonic Industry Co., Ltd. due to business succession (license
       agreement, online help).
      • Notification and display of software update information when a newer version is available
        • when starting Control FPWIN Pro7 and
        • in the About Control FPWIN Pro dialog.

Corrected the following errors.

  • Editors
      • ST editor: The data type of the parameters connected to EN/ENO functions was not checked if the first parameter in the parameter list was not of the
       type BOOL. This has been fixed.
  • Online edit mode, Download program code changes to PLC
      • In rare cases, new variables of programs were not initialized when downloading changes to the PLC. This has been fixed.
  • Others
      • When using Control FPWIN Pro7 with multiple monitors and different Windows scaling settings, a context menu in the tear-off editor window was displayed in the wrong position. This has been fixed.
      • Depending on the Windows scaling settings, the size of the text in some dialogs was not appropriate. This has been fixed.
      • In some cases, a crash occurred when creating or opening a project. This has been fixed.

Version-Up Information (Ver. to Ver. (December 11, 2023 update)

The following points have been upgraded.

  • Code generation
      • LD editor, IL editor, ST editor: Removed error message for simple standard function blocks where instance variables were used
       in a function block call and in a separate access to the variable.
  • Version control
      • The handling of compile flags and call references and with this the performance on updating the working copy from the repository
       has been improved.
  • About dialog
      • The dialog has been redesigned to display different URLs and copyright information depending on the market.
  • Others
      • Project import from FPWIN GR7 now supports FP7 series PLCs.

Corrected the following errors.

  • Code generation
      • FP7: When the ALT instruction was used together with a bit access in a DT word memory area (e.g. DT0.0), a syntax error occurred
       on the PLC after downloading the program code. This has been fixed.
      • Using DIV, MUL, MOD with ANY16, ANY32, UINT, and UDINT (e.g. MUL(DT100, uiVar1, DT200)) resulted in wrong code generation or
       operation errors. This has been fixed.
      • Corrected code generation for FP_DATA_MEAN_SUM_REAL with 32bit explicit user addresses like TSV100.
      • Optimized the code generation for the functions MUL_TIME_REAL and DIV_TIME_REAL with constant arguments.
  • Editors
      • ST editor: A syntax error occurred when accessing the member variables R1 and LD of the standard function blocks CTD, CTUD, and RS.
       This has been fixed.
      • IL editor: A syntax error occurred when accessing the member variables R, S, and LD of the standard function blocks RS, SR, CTD, CTU
       and CTUD. This has been fixed.
  • Online mode
      • When TLS1.2 or later was selected in the FTP client function and an FP0H C32ET/EP project was converted to another PLC type,
       the wrong message "The firmware version of the connected PLC is x.y. For a proper operation of the project, firmware version 7.x.y is
       recommended." appeared when going online. This has been fixed.
      • Some system library functions contain an explicit ST body (e.g. Unit_AnalogInput_FP0_RTD_INT).
       With metadata enabled, a false message was displayed stating that the metadata were out of date and the project needed to be recompiled.
       The error occurred after downloading the project and switching Control FPWIN Pro7 to offline and back to online mode. This has been fixed.
  • Others
      • On some occasions, a crash occurred when a manipulated project file was opened which could cause a vulnerability problem.
       This has been fixed.

Version-Up Information (Ver. to Ver. (July 3, 2023 update)

The following points have been upgraded.

  • Code generation
      • The new compile option “Initialize all variables except existing retain variables” initializes all variables after downloading the project in
       “PROG mode”.
      • The new string literal prefix latin1# (e.g. latin1#'äöü') has been implemented to explicitly specify the encoding of non-ASCII characters > 0x7F.
      • A new warning is output for default string literals without prefix, e.g. 'äöü' for non-ASCII characters > 0x7F.
  • Online mode
      • Improved communication via Ethernet.
        • The computer's IP address is selected automatically according to the destination IP address and the computer's IP address settings
         are deleted.
        • ET-LAN unit settings and timeout settings were moved to the new “Options” dialog.
        • The C-NET station number can now be set in the “Options” dialog.
  • Version control for user libraries
      • If version control has been activated for the project, version control can now also be activated for user libraries.
      • Each version-controlled user library maintains a mirror called library working copy in a folder called "LibraryName.vcf"
       (vcf = version-controlled folder) that is created in the "Libraries" folder of the project's working copy.
      • The library working copy contains the same configuration data as the user library but has a detailed object structure as in the navigator tree and
       contains mostly human-readable files.
      • Library working copy and corresponding user library are automatically kept in sync without visible user interaction. Any change saved in
       Control FPWIN Pro7 is immediately reflected in the library working copy by updating the corresponding object file. Vice versa, changes in the
       library working copy (when updated from the library repository) are (normally) automatically reflected in the open project, more exact, in the
       corresponding user library.
      • The library working copy should be imported into a global library repository (to be done manually outside of Control FPWIN Pro7).
       As the only original ("official") source of this library, this repository contains all revisions, changes, dates, and change information to be used by
       all cooperative developers of this user library.
      • The repository is the key to inspect, commit, update, merge, and revert (undo) any changes done to a library working copy from every user's and
       all users' perspective. It allows version control and multi-user development.
  • New help platform
      • The online help is now hosted in the Control FPWIN Pro7 info hub (https://infohub.industry.panasonic.eu/documentation/fpwin) and opens in
       your Web browser.
       For users without Internet access, the offline help is displayed from your local installation. The available language for the offline help depends on
       your installed interface language. Please note that the online documentation is continuously updated, while the offline help does not change after
       the release of Control FPWIN Pro7.
       For the most up-to-date information, please use the online help.
  • Editors
      • When a variable, DUT, function, or function block is renamed, the references in the programming editors are replaced context-specifically.
      • An “Advanced” context menu in the “ST editor” contains useful commands and shortcuts.
  • Others
      • Object comments can be edited directly in the object properties dialog. The comment editing dialog is no longer needed and has been removed.
      • The interval time edit field of the properties dialog for periodic interrupts has been improved.
      • To open the file location of the project in File Explorer, “Open containing folder” has been added to the context menu on the start page and the
       project object in the navigator.
      • A link to the license file was added in the “About Control FPWIN Pro7” dialog.
  • Online edit mode, Download program code changes to PLC
      • During compilation, the addresses existing in the last downloaded project will be used for function variables.
      • The message box displayed when online mode is started asking users to upload the address assignment of variables has been improved.
      • When a project cannot be saved in the PLC because it is too large, it is now possible to only save the address assignment table on the PLC.

Corrected the following errors.

  • Code generation
      • If existing variables were deactivated and new POUs added, these variables could overlap with the new variables when they were reactivated
       and incrementally compiled. This has been fixed.
      • Global retain variables of the data type STRING with explicit user addresses are not initialized under certain conditions. In the past, this has gone
       unnoticed. Now an error message informs you of this fact. The variables are not initialized in the following cases:
      • The compile option “Initialize all variables except global retain variables with explicit addresses” is selected.
      • The address range in the hold area of “Data registers DT” is set to 0 so that no cold-start detection registers are available.
      • There are no retain system variables which require an initialization code.
      • The EtherNet/IP explicit messaging instruction FP_ETHERNETIP_DATA_EXCHANGE_FB could not be used together with Modbus communication
       commands. This has been fixed.
      • The button “Download differences to PLC in RUN mode” in the dialog “Download project to PLC” did not show a warning message when a project
       with identical metadata but different program code was running on the PLC. This has been fixed.
      • When new variables were added and “Download differences to PLC in RUN mode” was executed, the processing of the instructions PID_FB and
       PID_DUT_FB was stopped under certain circumstances. This has been
      • “Download differences to PLC in RUN mode” did not initialize new global variables. This has been fixed.
  • Others
      • On some occasions, a crash occurred when a manipulated project file was opened, which could cause a vulnerability problem.
       This has been fixed.
      • Changed implementation of the standard IEC function blocks CTU, CTD, CTUD, SR, and RS:
        • Calling these function blocks in the “ST editor” no longer generates warning for the parameter names LD and R1.
        • The parameter names LD, R, S, S1, R, R1, and Q1 no longer have error squiggles in the “ST editor”.
    • Auto completion of FB-instances showed wrong members. This has been fixed.
      • For overlapping data unit types containing an array of DUT, no error was output, even though this is not allowed. This has been fixed.
      • Optimization for the MUL_TIME_INT and DIV_TIME_INT instructions with constant arguments was missing and the result was not calculated
       at compile time. This has been fixed.
      • “ST editor”: Ambiguous call statements could be created by setting a function name as the identifier name of an FB instance. This has been fixed.
      • FP0H C32ET, FP-XH C40ET/C60ET: A compiler error occurred, when a communication instruction was used and an interrupt program
       (e.g. a division) wrote the sys_iDivRemainder system variable. This has been fixed.
      • FP2SH, FP10SH: A compiler error was output when a coil with a rising or falling edge was used together with a pulse relay. This has been fixed.
      • Creating a new project from a .pce file with libraries which had not been accessible during the creation of the .pce file did not restore the libraries
       unicode settings correctly. As a result, the library could not be opened if the library had the format “Unicode format, supports read-only
       passwords from version”. This has been fixed.
  • “PLC status” and “Slot status” dialogs:
      • For FPΣ, FP0H: The indication of I/O unit verify errors in the “Slot status” dialog has been corrected.
      • The tooltips for I/O unit errors, intelligent unit errors, and I/O unit verify error have been improved.
      • The “Slot status” dialog has been improved to show the correct unit configurations.

Version-Up Information (Ver. to Ver. (January 10, 2023 update)

The following points have been upgraded.

  • New ST editor with several improvements
      • Display of line numbers, whitespace characters, and line endings
      • Highlighting of variables, functions, etc. and indication of their position in the vertical scroll bar
      • Highlighting of matching braces ( ) [ ]
      • Multi-caret editing, multiple selections, rectangular selection
      • Additional syntax colors with individual bold and italic options
      • Error marking of invalid text
      • New “Go to line” dialog
      • Additional keyboard shortcuts
      • Folding (expand/collapse) of code blocks
      • Wrapping of line text that extends horizontally beyond the visible editor area
      • Improved display of monitoring values
      • Printout with line numbers and syntax colors, printing of selected text
      • New comment types according to IEC 61131-3, 3rd edition:
        • Single-line comment, e.g. //comment
        • Multi-line comment, e.g. /*comment*/
         Existing multi-line comments, e.g. (*comment*), are still supported.
  • Improved “Online edit mode” and “Download differences to PLC in RUN mode”
      • During compilation, the same addresses will be used for variables that already exist in the last downloaded project.
      • “Download differences to PLC in RUN mode” initializes all new variables.
      • The “Download project to PLC” dialog includes additional checks for consistency of the project's variable address information.
       When “Download differences to PLC in RUN mode” is selected and the download seems critical, a warning or error message appears.
      • A new dialog shows all new, deleted, and changed variables. It can be accessed in the dialog “Download project to PLC”
       by clicking “Show modified variables”.
      • It is possible to add new declarations under “POUs”, “DUTs”, “Global variables”, and “Tasks” during online edit mode.
  • Version control
      • A version-controlled project creates a mirror of the project called working copy.
       A folder "ProjectName.vcf" (vcf = version-controlled folder) is created in the same file path where your project is stored.
      • The working copy contains the same configuration data as the project file but has a detailed object structure as in the navigator tree and
       contains mostly humanreadable files.
      • Working copy and project are automatically kept in sync without visible user interaction.
       Any change saved in Control FPWIN Pro7 is immediately reflected in the working copy by updating the corresponding object file.
       Vice versa, changes in the working copy (when updated from the project repository) are (normally) automatically reflected in the open project.
      • The working copy should be imported into a global project repository (to be done manually outside of Control FPWIN Pro7).
       As the only original ("official") source of this project, this repository contains all revisions, changes, dates,
       and change information to be used by all cooperative users of this project.
      • The repository is the key to inspect, commit, update, merge, and revert (undo) any changes done to a working copy from every user's and
       all users' perspective. It allows version control and multi-user development.
  • New 64-bit floating point data type LREAL
      • Only supported by the FP7 PLC.
  • Online mode
      • Improved "Communication settings" dialog
        • Contains information about the available COM (USB) ports.
        • Allows searching for devices in the Ethernet network (similar to Configurator WD).
      • Modified “Change value” dialog for Boolean variables:
        • Added the fields “Current value:” and “New value:” with the options “Invert”, “TRUE”, and “FALSE”
      • Changed behavior in LD/FBD editors:
        • Double-click a variable to open the “Change value” dialog.
        • Press <Ctrl> + <Alt> and double-click to toggle Boolean values.
      • Changed behavior in ST editor:
        • Press <Ctrl> and click to open the “Change value” dialog.
        • Press <Ctrl> + <Alt> and click to toggle Boolean values.
  • Find and replace
      • Regular expression search is now supported.
      • The wildcard search permits explicit searches for a question mark (search pattern \?) or asterisk (search pattern \*).
  • New tear-off editor window feature: drag an editor out of the main window to move it onto another monitor.
  • Unified product name to official name "Control FPWIN Pro7"

Corrected the following errors.

  • Metadata: Fixed a rare bug in the CRC calculation of system addresses when arrays with VAR_CONSTANT were used in the type declaration. Increased version number from to
  • Code generation:
      • Explicit label numbers are now checked for label numbers reserved for the system, and an error message is output if one of these numbers
       was used.
      • Corrected initialization code for an array of overlapping DUTs in an array of DUT.
      • Corrected code generation after instructions like SEL, MUX with integer literals.
      • Corrected the execution order of unconditional jumps/returns in LD/FBD.
      • Corrected the allocation of temporary variables starting from offset 0.
  • FP7 system registers: removed “TCP close time” and changed “TCP retransmission timer” to a read-only register (registers were ignored by FP7).

Version-Up Information (Ver. to Ver. (November 1, 2022 update)

The following points have been upgraded.

  • Add the new product of FP7 in Select PLC Type dialog.
  • FP7 CPS31/CPS41 from version 4.54, FP7 CPS31/CPS41 from version 3.64, FP7 CPS21 from version 1.54
    : Data recording now also supports variables of the data type STRING.
  • Added missing system variables for FP7, FP0H, and FP-XH.

Corrected the following errors.

  • Corrected code generation in LD/FBD for comparison instructions like EQ/NE combined with AND operations between contacts connected to the inputs.
  • FP0H C32ET/EP, FP-XH C40ET, C60ET : Corrected compiler error for global variables with explicit user address intersecting link area 0 and link area 1 and PLC link is not enabled.
  • Improved error message for global variables with overlapping addresses and initial values
  • Optimized the instruction STRING_TO_REAL.
  • Corrected code generation for initialization of VAR_GLOBAL_RETAIN variables with type ARRAY of DUT.
  • On rare occasions, a crash occurred in the “LD/FBD editor”, for example, when inserting extensible instructions like AND, ADD, and EQ. This has been fixed.
  • Addresses of local variables are now correctly updated in the monitor in case they have changed after compilation in online mode.
  • When creating a new project from the PLC, the current communication settings are no longer overwritten. (Communication settings are now excluded from the project saved in the comment memory.)
  • Corrected the scaling of toolbar icons on high-resolution monitors or when changing the Windows display settings.
  • The position of dynamic panes like the “Entry data monitor” (EDM) pane is now correctly saved and restored after exiting and restarting Control FPWIN Pro.

Version-Up Information (Ver. to Ver. (January 5, 2022 update)

The following points have been upgraded.

  • Support of FP0H V1.90:
    - New system register "Update inputs during power on" (438) with two options
    ・"After a time constant"
    - Data recording now also supports variables of the data type STRING.
  • FP7: new communication parameter instructions
  • FP7: New memory device instruction
  • FP7: New system variable for Ethernet communication
    - sys_bIsEthernetTCPDelayedAckEnabled
  • FP-XH C40ET, C60ET: New positioning instruction
    - F385_Positioning_WriteData_Backup
  • "SFC editor": Added auto completion for the transition result of programming expressions and for step flags.
  • Sorting in the DUT declaration editor has been deactivated.
  • Different background colors in the status bar now indicate offline and online mode (not available with "Classic" theme).

Corrected the following errors.

  • 16-bit PLCs: Corrected compiler error for global variables with explicit user addresses of the following types:
  • Corrected code generation of Boolean array values with variable index for the special cases where a negated ENO is connected to EN of the next instruction.
  • Corrected code generation of REAL_TO_TIME with constant integer literal.
  • 16-bit PLCs: The instruction FP_SWAP_BYTES_BLOCK is now available.
  • "Compile incrementally...": Corrected the extremely rare error where wrong elements were assigned to global DUT or FB instance variables.
  • "SFC editor": The monitoring of transitions and action programs is now activated when opening these objects in "Online mode".
  • Fixed a crash that occurred when executing "Monitor" > "Recipe editor" > "Insert variables from the global variable list...".
  • Fixed a crash that sometimes occurred in the auto-completion list when deleting characters in the editor.
  • The FPTimeChart application could not be started from the "Data recording" editor.
  • "LD/FBD editor": Corrected monitoring of real expressions using integer literals like rReal1 < 100.

Version-Up Information (Ver. to Ver. (September 1, 2021 update)

The following points have been upgraded.

  • The compatibility between FP-X and FP-XH and between FPΣ and FP0H has been improved. A new system register (1) was implemented that allows users to switch between two different internal flag word areas.

Corrected the following errors.

  • 16-bit PLCs: For Modbus master functions like FP_MODBUS_MASTER using SYS_MODBUS_01_READ_COIL and a single BOOL value at MasterData, malfunction may occur if the bit address does not begin at a word boundary, such as R1 or R11. In these cases a warning is now output so that users can correct the bit address to R0 or R10, for example.
  • FP-XH C40ET, C60ET: Missing system variables for pulse output channels 4 and 5 were added.
  • The instructions F166_HighSpeedCounter_Set and F167_HighSpeedCounter_Reset now also support addresses in the WL and LD area.
  • Entry data monitor: Child items like array elements of arrays of DUTs without value were not restored when reopening a project file. This has been fixed.
  • ASCII export and project comparison: The export file contained unnecessary error markers like "@'<invalid type name>'" for data types. This has been fixed.

Version-Up Information (Ver. to Ver. (June 1, 2021 update)

The following points have been upgraded.

  • Supported PLC types: new PLC type compatibility modes selectable when changing to online mode or to another PLC type.
  • Supported PLC types: new firmware version 1.8 for FP0H.
  • Implemented new functions with similar behavior as the corresponding function blocks.
  • In the "PLC status..." dialog, additional information is displayed for operation errors (currently only supported by FP-XH 32k C40ET, C60ET)
  • Save as project on PLC: Improved compression when saving the project in the PLC.

Corrected the following errors.

  • FP7: The instruction FP_MOVE_BITS now works correctly with Boolean array elements with variables index.
  • FP0H, and other 16bit PLCs: The instruction FP_TEST_BIT now works correctly with Boolean array elements with variables index.
  • FP_FORMAT_STRING: When a string conversion specifier ('%s') was used with a constant number a system crash could occur due to wrong data type checking.
  • Fixed a possible vulnerability problem with manipulated xml files.
  • Fixed an error that could cause incorrect information in Intel hex files (*.itl).
  • Improved project export to allow import into versions older than

Version-Up Information (Ver. to Ver. (February 1, 2021 update)

The following points have been upgraded.

  • FP-XH: Ethernet types are now supported.
  • FP7: New instructions for Ethernet/IP explicit messaging.
  • FP7, FP-XH: New instructions for NTP server.
  • FP7, FP0H, FP-XH: New instruction to write data into strings.
  • FP0H, FP-XH: Activated instruction for Ethernet.
  • New instruction to read structured variables.
  • Improved PLC password protection. The existing dialog “Security settings” was split into two dialogs.
  • An auto-logout mechanism after 60 minutes supported by the PLC types FP7, FP0H, and FP-XH was implemented.
  • An auto-completion list is displayed when characters are entered in the SFC editor to suggest names of variables, functions, etc.

Corrected the following errors.

  • CRC16 can now be used with DUTs.
  • FP_INC and FP_DEC now also work with unsigned data types on 16-bit PLCs.
  • FP-X Ver. 2.60 or higher now supports project upload and download in “RUN” mode.
  • Fixed crash when opening manipulated project files, which can causea vulnerability problem.
  • Corrected wrong optimization of start conditions when using REAL to UDINT conversion with EN/ENO instructions on 16-bit PLCs.

Version-Up Information (Ver. to Ver. (October 1, 2020 update)

The following points have been upgraded.

  • FP-XH,FP0H: New instructions for direct input and direct output have been implemented.
  • An auto-completion list is displayed as characters are entered in the editors to suggest names of variables, functions, function blocks, etc.
  • Download project to PLC: The address information of all variables is now also downloaded to the PLC.
  • A project comparison can be enabled under "Extras" > "Options" > "Program options" > "Project comparison" to perform a simple text-based comparison of the current project with a reference project or with the project in the PLC.
  • Find/replace now also supports wildcards.
  • The dialogs "New POU" and "POU properties" have been merged and improved.

Corrected the following errors.

  • FP7: The size of the program block reserved for the periodic interrupt can now be set in the compile options.
  • In the LD/FBD editors constants are now handled correctly in special cases such as E_MOD(E_MUL(500_000_000, 8), 16)
  • In the SFC editor, jump and label identifiers as well as macro step names are now also checked for IEC 61131-3 compliance.
  • String literals can now handle up to 32767 characters.
  • Time literals support an explicit sign character, e.g. T#-140ms or T#+140ms.
  • Binary, octal, or hex literals with leading zeros, e.g. 016#cdef now generate a warning message.
  • Constants in conversion functions without EN/ENO are now directly converted by the compiler.
  • Error messages caused by wrong data types now also show the required data type for DUTs.
  • FP0H, FP-X, FP-XH, FP0R and FP-Sigma: A new error message is output when instances of TON, TOF, or TP are declared as retain variables.
  • In the compile options, the edit box for the default string length has been deleted.
  • If no maximum number of characters has been specified for the data type STRING, a warning message is output.
  • Code optimization for RIGHT instruction to avoid a temporary string variable.
  • Corrected wrong code generation for FP_COM_GET_STATUS.
  • The export/import of SFC names now also handles blanks.
  • Metadata now are also detected correctly in the case that the system register setting for program steps and data register size has been changed.

Version-Up Information (Ver. to Ver. (September 1, 2020 update)

The following points have been upgraded.

  • FP7: The S-LINK V unit is now supported.

Corrected the following errors.

  • Changed code generation for FIND and FIND_AFTER_POS instructions to prevent operation errors on FP7 type PLCs.
  • Corrected size calculation for DUTs with Arrays of overlapping DUTs.

Version-Up Information (Ver. to Ver. (July 1, 2020 update)

The following points have been upgraded.

  • Added support for the 0.1ms periodic interrupt interval for the FP0H and FP-XH PLC types.

Version-Up Information (Ver. to Ver. (May 7, 2020 update)

The following points have been upgraded.

  • New instructions to set the communication and PLC link parameter for the FP7 PLC.
  • New instructions for EtherNet/IP explicit messaging.
  • New instructions to get PLC link information for the FP7 MEWNET units.
  • Variables of the data type STRING now support UTF-8 string literals, e.g. utf8#'敬具'.
  • CASE statements now support selectors of any elementary data type and case labels with constant variables.
  • ST editor: Syntax coloring offers additional colors for user variables, system variables, and instructions.
  • The shortcut [Alt]+[G] is now available to perform “Go to declaration”.
  • The shortcut [Alt]+[F] performs “Find references”, which replaces “Go to Reference”.
  • “Find references” outputs the search results in the “Find results” pane.
  • The search area “Current editor” now includes both, the header and body of a POU.
  • The usability of the “Find results” pane has been improved.
  • The import of FPWIN GR7 fpx project files is now supported by 16-bit PLCs.
  • Control FPWIN Pro instructions can be found by their FPWIN GR7 names in the “Instructions” pane.
  • The configurator for the fieldbus master unit FMU is now also available for FP0H PLCs (from version 1.50).
  • New instructions to get PLC link information for the FP7 PLC.
  • Improved procedure for setting library passwords.

Corrected the following errors.

  • Corrected code generation so that SET DT0.0 will be compiled correctly.
  • The instructions FP_ASCII_TO_BIN, FP_ASCII_CHECK and FP_BIN_TO_ASCII now work correctly with string variables as ASCII data.
  • Corrected code generation for the functions FP_READ_FROM_SLAVE, FP_WRITE_TO_SLAVE, F146_READ_DATA, and F145_WRITE_DATA.
  • Also in SFC actions/transitions: Timers like TON, TOF, TP, TM_1s_FB… with EN/ENO or in if control statements correctly keep their values if the execution condition is FALSE.
  • Corrected code generation using functions with Boolean result and no argument.
  • Corrected code generation in the case that the result of a NOT operation on a word literal is combined with another word literal.
  • Corrected code generation of F165_HighSpeedCounter_Cam and function availability for FP0H.
  • The new variable dialog will now show all initial values for array and dut data types.
  • Corrected error that password dialog is shown when opening a closed user library which supports read-only password and has no password set.
  • Corrected checking of the action association window so that an error is output when a constant Boolean variable is used.
  • Corrected checking of hold-type addresses for data unit types with mixed user addresses.
  • Added missing Boolean member variables b0-b63 in BOOL64_OVERLAPPING_DUT.
  • Corrected the error which occurred when an FP instruction was compiled that contained an array of BOOL elements and was enclosed by an iteration statement.
  • Corrected the code generation for arrays of DUT as a member of a DUT when the array range does not begin with zero.
  • ELC500 now starts with the correct program startup code.
  • Corrected the error which caused metadata to be downloaded to hold-type data registers with "Download program code changes" to PLC even if "Activate project information metadata" was deactivated in the "Compile options".
  • The error message "Operation too complex for undo" no longer occurs in "Online edit mode".
  • The toolbar icons for online mode are now disabled as long as the online connection is not established.
  • Fixed an issue where the focus was not set into the "Find" pane after using keyboard shortcuts, e.g. [Ctr]+[F].
  • Fixed an issue in the "Find" pane where pressing enter key has not executed the search.
  • Fixed an issue where Control FPWIN Pro hangs after downloading an EtherNet/IP configuration to an FP0H PLC and changing from PROG to RUN mode.
  • In the declaration editors, invalid identifiers no longer generate an error message.
  • Xml configuration files for fieldbus master units are now correctly imported.
  • Fixed a password checking error for libraries which occurred when the new check box “Unicode format, supports read-only passwords from version” was activated in the library properties.

Version-Up Information (Ver. to Ver. (October 16, 2019 update)

The following points have been upgraded.

  • Forcing and unforcing of variables can be performed from all bodies via context menu.
  • ARRAY or STRING data types can now be defined using a constant variable, e.g. ARRAY[0..MAX_ELEMENTS] OF STRING[MAX_CHARS].
  • Support of new functionality “Operation recording” of FP7 CPS31E/CPS41E from version 4.50, which allows the user to specify Boolean variables and trigger events for recording in the internal memory of the PLC.
  • A new option is available to automatically set the class to VAR_CONSTANT for identifiers in capital letters (e.g. iMAX).

Corrected the following errors.

  • Changed code generation in ST editor to avoid a possible operation errors in nested if statements.
  • FP0H C32ET/EP: IsMasterCommunication now returns the not inverted value of the corresponding flag sys_bIsEthernetUserConnectionXConnected for Ethernet ports (same behavior as for FP7).
  • Password-protected MBCS libraries can now be properly re-opened.
  • Crashes caused by some docking pane layouts have been fixed.
  • The application was occasionally blocked during monitoring.
  • IP addresses can now be entered correctly in the system register "SNTP server IPv4/IPv6 address or host name".

Version-Up Information (Ver. to Ver. (April 15, 2019 update)

The following points have been upgraded.

  • Support of data unit types (DUTs) as members of DUTs.
  • Added read-only password for libraries.
  • New find/replace panes.
  • New monitor panes, e.g. Monitor header, Entry data monitor (EDM), and Recipe editor.
  • Supports of Metadata.
  • Support of new functionalities of FP0H V1.30.
  • Support of new FP0H RTEX unit.

Corrected the following errors.

  • Fixed bugs in LD/FBD that the explicit address cannot be changed to variable.
  • Fixed bugs in LD/FBD which permitted changing an address to a variable or to enter a step flag, e.g. Step1.X.
  • Fixed bugs that the trace data cannot be uploaded in trace monitor.
  • Fixed problem that caused FPWIN Pro to crash if an ST POU has used a function call with a parameter list, when the function did not had function parameters.

Version-Up Information (Ver. to Ver. (December 3, 2018 update)

The following points have been upgraded.

  • Supports FP-XH C38AT.

Corrected the following errors.

  • In FP7, FP0H data recording where the setting Sampling trigger Time Second was not saved and remained 0.

Version-Up Information (Ver. to Ver. (September 3, 2018 update)

The following points have been upgraded.

  • Supports ELC500.

Corrected the following errors.

  • Monitored value cannot be changed for bit address in word device. (ex. DT0.0 in FP7)
  • When "New declaration after" is executed in global variable list which has a variable with explicit FP address, there is a case that the next free address is not assigned correctly.
  • There is a case that the compile error is occurred if the condition compile is used in ST program which is made by version 6.
  • The operation error is occurred if FP_ETHERNETIP_GET_STATE_TABLE_ALL is used in FP0H.
  • The compile error is occurred if "DAY_OF_WEEK0(dDate) MOD 7;" is used.
  • The compile error is occurred if the index register is used directly in IL editor.
  • The circular reference error is not detected if the FB is existing in the library.

Version-Up Information (Ver. to Ver. (June 4, 2018 update)

The following points have been upgraded.

  • Support of PLC type FP-XH M8N30T V1.10 with improved CAM pattern functionality.
  • Supports FP0H new function. (FTP Client/Server settings)
  • 32 bit data type can be set for FP_COPY instruction in 16-bit PLC.
  • New functions are added for FP7 analog unit.

Corrected the following errors.

  • Fixed occasional bug which occurred during array index calculations at the input of some EN/ENO functions.
  • Fixed a bug which caused the SYS1 command to output a warning for a baud rate setting of 230400 on FP0H and FPXH PLCs.
  • Corrected code generation on FP7 for functions evaluating Ethernet communication flags when the first Ethernet user connection is inactive.
  • Corrected code generation for FP7 instructions FP_FTP_SET_MODE_TRANSFER_LOG and FP_SMTP_SET_MODE_TRANSFER_LOG with string arguments.
  • FP7 PLC: When saving projects for SD card, data recording configurations are now included.
  • Fixed problem in SD card file AUTOEXEC.FP0H for FP0H PLC.
  • Fixed bug which caused negative time zone values in system registers, e.g. "‐00:30", to be converted to positive values.
  • The array which has over 3276 words cannot be handled in 16-bit PLC.
  • The system register was not compared correctly in verify function.
  • The ST editor's program was printed only one page.

Version-Up Information (Ver.7.2.0 to Ver. (March 22, 2018 update)

The following points have been upgraded.

  • Explicit user addresses for mixed DUTs or arrays of DUTs consisting of BOOL, ARRAY OF BOOL and WORD members.
  • Expressions at LD/FBD inputs and/or contacts are supported.
    These expressions obey the precedence rules of ST editor expressions and include all operations.
    ·arithmetic operations ‘+’, ‘-‘, ‘*’, ‘/’, ‘**’, ‘mod’
    ·bit operations ‘AND’, ‘&’, ‘OR’, ‘XOR’, ‘NOT’
    ·up to one comparison operation ‘<’, ‘<=’, ‘=’, ‘<>’, ‘>=’, ‘>’
    For comparison expressions with simple operands the Boolean result is monitored.

Corrected the following errors.

  • Fixed a bug which occurred when accessing arrays within an array of DUT with different data types for the array indices and which sometimes caused a wrong code generation.
  • Fixed a bug which prevented the function block Unit_AnalogInOut_FP0R_A42 from outputting all valid data in the first cycle.
  • Fixed a bug which caused compiler errors for overlapping DUTs with only Boolean members.

Version-Up Information (Ver.7.1.6 to Ver. 7.2.0) (November 1, 2017 update)

The following points have been upgraded.

  • Supports FP7 Multi wire link unit.
  • Supports ARRAY_OF_DUTs.
  • Supports FP0H.

Version-Up Information (Ver.7.14 to Ver. 7.1.6) (April 4, 2017 update)

The following points have been upgraded.

  • Supports FP7 logging/ trace setting.

Version-Up Information (Ver.7.13 to Ver. 7.14) (September 5, 2016 update)

The following points have been upgraded.

  • Support of FP7 multi I/O unit H type.
  • Support of FP7 Motion control units.
  • Implemented deactivation/activation of global, local, and DUT variables in the declaration editors.
    Extras -> Delete unused variables... will deactivate variables used only by deactivated networks in body editors.
  • Support of large arrays with more than 32767 elements.
  • Function blocks, especially timer function block, can now be used in SFC transitions.
  • The elapsed value of timer function blocks can now be written.
  • Added the new instruction FP_END_SCAN.

Version-Up Information (Ver.7.12 to Ver. 7.13) (June 7, 2016 update)

The following points have been upgraded.

  • Support multi I/O unit(AFP7MXY32DWD).
  • Support Windows(R) 10.

Version-Up Information (Ver.7.11 to Ver. 7.12)

The following points have been upgraded.

  • Added the EtherNet/IP settings and instructions.
  • Enabled debug functionalities in PLC simulation.

Version-Up Information (Ver.7.03 to Ver. 7.11)

The following points have been upgraded.

  • Added the FTP client, HTTP client and mail setting screens.
  • Added a setting "Use web server function" to the built-in ET-LAN setting.
  • Supported FP7 CPS21.