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Control FPWIN GR Detailed Version-Up Information

Version-up Information

Ver.2.96 to Ver.2.97(October 2, 2023 update)

The following points have been upgraded.

  • Fixed the problem that the minimum button does not work in guidance bar in PMX. (The minimum button is deleted in this version)
  • Supported Windows 11.

Ver.2.95 to Ver.2.96(November 1, 2021 update)

The following points have been upgraded.

  • Fixed the problem that the view of "<=" is changed to "<>" when the system register no.5 is changed.

Ver.2.92 to Ver.2.95(December 18, 2019 update)

The following points have been upgraded.

  • Fixed the problem that F78(DABI) instruction cannot be input in FP2SH 32K.
  • The Data Editor installer supports Windows 8/8.1 and Windows 10.
  • Fixed the problem that overflow is occurred when FP-XH file is saved in Data Editor.
  • Fixed the problem that the R device which is used in SET/RST/ALT is converted to other device number when imported in Text Compiler.

Ver.2.91 to Ver.2.92

The following points have been upgraded.

  • Supported Windows 8, Windows 8.1 and Windows 10 (32bit / 64bit).
    (Please note that Data Editor does not support the Windows 8, Windows 8.1 and Windows 10.)

Ver.2.90 to Ver.2.91

The following points have been upgraded.

  • Supported the FP2SH 32k.
  • In the simulation function, fixed the problem that F144 instruction was not available to be used for FP0/2/2SH.
  • In the simulation function, fixed the problem that P instruction was not available to be used for FP2.

Ver.2.811 to Ver.2.90

The following points have been upgraded.

  • Supported the Simulation function.
  • Supported the function wizard for FP0R.
  • Supported Windows 7(32bit / 64bit).
  • Expanded the editable line number of ladder editor from 33 lines to 330 lines.
  • Installation folder was changed to [Panasonic-EW SUNX Control].
  • Supported FP-X0.

Ver.2.801 to Ver.2.811

The following points have been upgraded.

  • Fixed the problem that "Terminator" and "Header" can not be set in FP0R's PLC Configuration No.413.
  • Fixed the problem that "Setting Test-run" and "Performing Test-run" are available under "Debug" menu in FP0R. ("Test-run" is not supported in FP0R.)

Ver.2.80 to Ver.2.801

The following points have been upgraded.

  • Fixed the problem that 8 digits password can not be entered in FP-X under Ver.2.5 or FP Sigma under Ver.3.2.

Ver.2.73 to Ver.2.80

The following points have been upgraded.

  • Supported FP0R.
  • Added the option for FP memory Loader to the PLC password setting dialog.
    ( For FP0R, FPΣ Ver.3.2 or later, FP-X Ver.2.5 oe later only.)
  • Fixed the hang-up caused by scrolling a ladder using a mouse with a wheel or a touch pad.
  • Fixed the problem that data cannot be set properly when the displayed column value is set to 9 or more with the Data Editor.

Ver.2.72 to Ver.2.73

The following points have been upgraded.

  • Supported to automatically converting the program to 32k from FPΣ 12k.
  • Modified the bug of [Positioning auxiliary function]-[Setting data for units..] function of [Wizard] menu.
  • When you inserted the Relay Instruction to before the Campare Instruction and the Fun Instruction on the Ladder Symbol View, there is the case that breaks the Ladder View, if it does the automatically return. Modified it.

Ver.2.71 to Ver.2.72

The following points have been upgraded.

  • Supported for FPΣ 32k type Ver.3.10.
  • Modified [Positioning auxiliary function]-[Setting data for units] of [Wizard] menu.
  • Changed the help file from the Winhelp to the html file.

Ver.2.70 to Ver.2.71

The following points have been upgraded.

  • Supported for FP2SH MEWNET-VE Lin Unit.
  • Modified to be able to select the channel no.in [Positioning auxiliary function]-[CPU command input] of [Wizard] menu of FP-X.
  • Modified the bug that the monitor data doesn't correctly display in [Status Display]-[W2 link] of [Online] menu.

Ver.2.61 to Ver.2.70

The following points have been upgraded.

  • Supported for FP-X transistor type.
  • Supported to the Max 10 the data that can register in [MCU settings].
  • Supported to the Max 32 the slot that can register in [MCU settings].
  • Changed [PLC Configuration] dialog design.

Ver.2.60 to Ver.2.61

The following points have been upgraded.

  • Regarding Ver.2.60, the problem that can't read and write the No.420 and No.421 on system register of FP sigma 32K, was improved.
  • Regarding Ver.2.60, the problem that can't set ch1 of F172 on FP-X by using Wizard function, was improved.
  • Regarding Ver.2.60, the problem that can't connect to FP10 and FP10S, was improved.

Ver.2.52 to Ver.2.60

The following points have been upgraded.

  • Supported FP Σ 32K.
  • Added 'floating point real number data compare instruction'.
  • Added 'Verify Program code' function under [Debug] menu.

Ver.2.51 to Ver.2.52

The following points have been upgraded.

  • en contact T/C is searched, it enable to search TM/CT.
  • Regarding MEWNET-H Configurator, if PLC link is connected over 25 stations, the problem, that this software is hung up, was improved.
  • Regarding Data Editor, if PLC is FP 1 0.9K and all device is selected, the problem, that error occurs, was improved.
  • For Chinese version and Korean version, the problem, that some instructions are not displayed in "Function Instruction List", was improved.
  • For password protected FP-X, when you unprotect password by compulsion, the problem that the program is erased, was improved.
  • When Master memory was attached on FP-X and the password was registered, the problem that seemed to succeed, was improved.

Ver.2.50 to Ver.2.51

The following points have been upgraded.

  • Regarding Ver.2.50, the problem, that it is impossible to download the program to FP1, FP-M, FP3, FP5, FP10 and FP10S, was improved.
  • Regarding Ver.2.50, the problem, that it is impossible to select FP10/FP10S/FP10SH, was improved.

Ver.2.41 to Ver.2.50

The following points have been upgraded.

  • Changed install folder from '\Program Files\Nais Control\FPWIN GR 2' to '\Program Files\Panosonic MEW Control\FPWIN GR 2'. Changed group menu from '\NAiS Control\ FPWIN GR 2' to 'Panasonic MEW Control\FPWIN GR 2'.
  • Supports new FP-X. For FP-X, added [Internal Memory <=> Master Memory] function and [Upload Settings] function , and supported 8 characters as password.
  • Added [Security Information] function.
  • Added the following new instructions. (F250, F252).
  • You can specify [Station No.] or [Communication Settings] before uploading or downloading the program to PLC.
  • You can change contact status(ON/OFF) or data value in online mode by double-click on the relay or register.
  • You can execute [Force I/O] function in online mode by double-click with pushing [Ctrl] key on the relay.

Ver.2.40 to Ver.2.41

The following points have been upgraded.

  • Regarding FP-e, the problem, that the error is occurred, was improved, when you change sysytem register in online mode.
  • When the line to which OR circuit exists behind a FUN command was connected in OR circuit, the problem, that the circuit display collapses after program conversion, was improved.
  • The problem, that the display of ladder may collapse, was improved, when copying & pasting in Boolean Ladder View mode after choosing rectangle mode in Ladder Symbol View mode.
  • When the 32bits comparison instruction was changed into the 16bits comparison instruction and Program conversion was carried out in Ladder Symbol View mode, the problem, which "FUN instruction error" occur, was improved.
  • When a program area is changed, the problem which may hang-up was improved.
  • When POT is connected via COM port and PLC program is uploaded, the problem which may occur BCC error was improved.
  • The range of slot No. was expanded to 31 from 3, when you edit Data Memory Expansion Unit in Data Editor.
  • The problem, that the displayed slot No. is not changed, was improved, when you change slot No. during editing Data Memory Expansion Unit in Data Editor.

Ver.2.3 to Ver.2.4

The following points have been upgraded.

  • Added MCU settings including print and link monitor.
  • You can copy & paste by rectangle mode.
  • Added the following new instructions. (F4, F161, F230, F231, F354)
  • Added FSCAL instructions in [Wizard] function.

Ver.2.24 to Ver.2.3

The following points have been upgraded.

  • Added Text input mode. You can edit program by entering a character from a keyboard.
  • You can design the start position of high-level instruction. So, it is possible to display maximum 5 contacts on the left side of high-level instruction.
  • Support [Undo] and [Redo] function.
  • You can synchronize the monitoring of Editing View and Data/Relay Monitor.
  • You can enter I/O comment simultaneously after inputting relays and registers.
  • In Monitoring Registers, Monitoring Relays and Forced I/O, You can register only used device.
  • In Forced I/O, you can change the forced status by shortcut key.
  • Added multifunction positioning function and SCAL instruction in [Wizard] function.
  • You can compile the program, even if the cursor is in the position of operand of high-level instruction.
  • In Monitoring Registers, you can change the value without pushing the [Enter] key.
  • Even if the cursor goes into the comment column of the monitoring register screen, scrolling to the right will no longer occur.
  • In Monitoring Relays, the default status is reversal of the present status.
  • You can change the width of Forced I/O window.
  • You can print ladder list by color.

Ver.2.2 to Ver.2.24

The following points have been upgraded.

  • Improvement of code creation, when specifying special data register in the control data or upper display data by FP-e screen display wizard.
  • F181 (DSP) instruction, which is screen display instruction, is improved in programming manual.
  • The problem that you can not edit in online mode was improved, when FP0 5K/10K or FP Σ have 3072 or 6144 or 9216 steps.
  • The problem that ROM program, which is sent from FPWIN GR, does not run normally was improved, when FP2SH and FP10SH have about 30K or more steps.
  • The problem that block comment does not appear was improved, when you delete NOPs.
  • When you use word operand of contact (WR0, etc.) in F188 or F119 counter instruction, the problem that remark comment of contact (R0 etc.) is displayed was improved.
  • Regarding Chinese and Korean version, the problem that strange character is printed on header or footer was improved.

Ver.2.1 to Ver.2.2

The following points have been upgraded.

  • Supports new FP-e.
  • Wizard function is added regarding positioning instruction, PID instruction, and FP-e screen display instruction. Only by setting parameters, ladder program is created automatically.
  • Data Editor supports Data Memory Expansion unit.
  • Following function is improved.
    -You can hide the confirmation message.
    -You can search index register.
    -You can search negative constant decimal.