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파나소닉 인더스트리 / 제어 기기

Control Web Creator Detailed Version-Up Information

Version-up Information

Details of revision of Ver.3.5.0 (Changes from Ver.3.4.6)(April 1, 2024 update)

The following points have been upgraded.

  • Changed the company name to Panasonic Industry Co., Ltd. due to the business succession. (License agreement etc.)

[Bug fixes]

  • Fixed the problem that text size is not changed in working area if the “any settings” is selected in text size.
  • Fixed the problem that the Web Creator stopped in force if the expansion and reducing are repeated in “SD card logging graph” or “Integration graph”.
  • Fixed the problem that the font of operation button is changed if the “text font” of title format is changed in “Camera widget” property.
  • Fixes the problem that the “low range border color” and “high range border color” are not changed in “Table widget”.
  • Fixed the problem that the copy and paste do not work if the page is selected in Project Pages.

Details of revision of Ver.3.4.6 (Changes from Ver.3.4.5)(October 2, 2023 update)

The following points have been upgraded.

[Function improvement]

  • Supported auto scaling on horizontal axis of extended graph.

[Bug fixes]

  • Fixed the problem that the parameter "delay" in scroll settings of text widget does not work.
  • Fixed the problem that HTTP communication error happens on "SD Card Logging Graph", "Gantt Chart", and "Alarms History" widget in secure communication.
  • Fixed the problem that password authentication does not work for KW2M-X.
  • Improved the behaviour of switching screen triggered by device.

Details of revision of Ver.3.4.5 (Changes from Ver.3.4.4)(Mar 7, 2022 update)

The following points have been upgraded.

[Function improvement]

  • Fixed the error message when the multi-frame timeout of MEWTOCOL7 occurred.

[Bug fixes]

  • Fixed the problem that it is not displayed when 0 is entered in the title of the Web part.

Details of revision of Ver.3.4.4 (Changes from Ver.3.4.3)(May 6, 2021 update)

The following points have been upgraded.

[Bug fixes]

  • Fixed a bug that alarm history parts may not be displayed.

Details of revision of Ver.3.4.3 (Changes from Ver.3.4.2)(Oct 1, 2020 update)

The following points have been upgraded.

[Function improvement]

  • Added the OPHR71 max retries setting to alarm history / Gantt chart parts.

Details of revision of Ver.3.4.2 (Changes from Ver.3.4.1)(Apr 27, 2020 update)

The following points have been upgraded.

[Function improvement]

  • Added the text size setting to the system menu (project settings, folder settings, file settings).
    (Login dialog, login / logout button, error dialog, language selection menu)
  • Added the text size setting of operation buttons to Alarms history, Gantt chart, SD card logging graph parts.

[Bug fixes]

  • Fixed a problem that the data type was displayed incorrectly when a specific operation was performed on the table parts.

Details of revision of Ver.3.4.1 (Changes from Ver.3.4.0)(Dec 9, 2019 update)

The following points have been upgraded.

[Bug fixes]

  • Fixed a problem that the login window was not displayed when connecting to a network camera using camera parts on Internet Explorer 11.

Details of revision of Ver.3.4.0 (Changes from Ver.3.3.0)(Oct 1, 2019 update)

The following points have been upgraded.

[New web parts]

  • Operation History parts(Please use products with FP7 CPU Unit Ver. 4.50 or later)

[Bug fixes]

  • Fixed a problem that could not set the PB number 11 or more when using a local device as a reference device.
  • Fixed a problem that null characters existing in the string are not treated as null characters.

Details of revision of Ver.3.3.0 (Changes from Ver.3.2.0)(March 4, 2019 update)

The following points have been upgraded.

[New web parts]

  • SD card Logging Graph parts(Please use products with FP7 CPU Unit Ver. 4.47 or later)
  • Integration Graph parts
  • General-purpose camera parts

[Function improvement]

  • Added "Data acquisition cycle" setting item to project settings / file Settings.
  • Added setting item "Move to a page (file name)" in the operation setting of Switch / Lamp-switch / Dialog / Shapes parts.
  • Added a column / row preview display function to the Multicopy function.
  • Added progress display function to Multicopy function.
  • Improvement to be displayed in Internet Explorer 11 when compatible display setting of Internet Explorer is set.

[Bug fixes]

  • Fixed a problem where the coordinate position shifted when copying / pasting multiple parts at once.
  • Fixed a bug where the coordinate position shifted at Multicopy.
  • Fixed a problem in which abnormal values are displayed on the horizontal axis until the read trigger turns ON when selecting Extended-graph array.

Details of revision of Ver.3.2.0 (Changes from Ver.3.1.2)(Sep 3, 2018 update)

The following points have been upgraded.

  • Supported ELC500.

Details of revision of Ver.3.1.2 (Changes from Ver.3.1.1)(Oct 2, 2017 update)

The following points have been upgraded.

[Bug fixes]

  • Fixed a problem that the string was not displayed when changed data format of table parts to string1.
  • Fixed a problem that the background color turns white when the color of the text of the table parts is set to white and the value of the read device changes.
  • Fixed a problem that switch parts set for momentary or invert do not work properly when using Firefox.
  • Fixed a problem that images are not displayed on camera parts when Chrome version 59 or later is used.
    When connecting to a network camera using camera parts, it is necessary to enter ID and password on each browser.

Details of revision of Ver.3.1.1 (Changes from Ver.3.1.0)(Dec 19, 2016 update)

The following points have been upgraded.

[Function improvement]

  • When character string is selected in format of data part / table part, it is now possible to select other than DT for write / read device.

[Bug fixes]

  • Fixed a problem that screen update stopped for a fixed time when pressing switch parts continuously in a short time.
  • Fixed a problem that the max number of display plotted with the first data acquired at the initial display of the trend graph.
  • Fixed a problem that content downloading failed when non-alphanumeric characters were used as the user name of the PC.
  • Fix to be able to copy and paste the text of the property screen.
  • Fixed a problem that sometimes it does not return even if you press "return" of browser after screen transition from test screen to switch.
  • Fixed a problem that is written to 1 / 10th device number when "LD" is selected as the type of write device.
  • Fixed a problem that letter color etc does not change when 0 is set to low / high threshold of data part / table part.
  • Fixed a problem that the password input screen of the security setting may be displayed in English when the screen is displayed on the browser set to the language of Japanese.

Details of revision of Ver.3.1.0 (Changes from Ver.3.0.0)(Jun 13, 2016 update)

The following points have been upgraded.

[Function improvement]

  • When the trend selection of extended graph, added a "xaxis time unit" property.
    This allows you to fix the horizontal axis scale.
  • Fixed an easy-to-understand horizontal axis settings at the time of batch selection of extended graph.
    It has been deleted "decimals" and "increment" from the xaxis setting.
  • Added binary-coded time to data components.

[Bug fixes]

  • The screen data that you created in the previous WebCreator than Ver.3.0.0 when used in WebCreator Ver.3.0.0, there was a problem with the data conversion process.(*1)
  • Fixed a bug that can not upload the server certificate after up / download content.(*2)
  • Fixed the behavior in the case of setting to "invert" the "switch mode" in the switch parts.

    *1 : Not displayed parts can be restored by saving in WebCreator Ver.3.1.0.
          If you want to use the Ver.3.0.0 content that you created in the previous WebCreator, please be sure to use the Ver.3.1.0.
    *2 : If you want to upload the server certificate, please be sure to use a CPU farm Ver.4.25 or more.

Details of revision of Ver.3.0.0 (Changes from Ver.2.1.0)(May 19, 2016 update)

The following points have been upgraded.

[New functions]

  • Copy of web parts by keyboard/mouse operation
  • Enlarging/reducing the editing area
  • Importing/exporting projects
  • Link setting of ladder projects

[Function improvement]

  • Improvement of the display of multilingual messages
  • Automatic enlargement function when pasting images
  • Improvement of the speed of displaying content screens
  • Improvement of the operation stability at the time of start-up
  • Change of the operation when logging out from a password protected screen

[New web parts]

  • Table parts

[Improvement of existing web parts]

  • Changes common to parts(Change the default value of the device setting)
  • Switch parts/Lamp parts
  • Data parts
  • Text parts
  • Extended graph parts
  • Line graph parts/Bar graph parts
  • Camera parts

    * Please check the "Web Server Function Manual Edition corresponding to Web Creator Ver.3.0.0" for more information

Details of revision of Ver.2.1.0 (Changes from Ver.2.0.0)(January 5, 2016 update)

The following points have been upgraded.

[Specification change]

  • It is now possible to create a project of Eco-POWER METER (KW2M-X).
  • We have improved the data Parts.