Panasonic Industry / Automation Controls
Panasonic Industry / Automation Controls


Information you need to know before using the software (Essential reading)

About SVWorks

SVWorks is a software that allows you to perform SV series settings and inspection simulations on a computer.


Be aware of the following points listed below.
This product incorporates the following software:
(1) The software developed independently by or for Panasonic Industry Co., Ltd.
(2) The software owned by third party and licensed to Panasonic Industry Co., Ltd.
(3) Open sourced software licensed under license terms

Please refer to the copyright notice of those individuals at following license terms.

Copyright NoticeEN21 KBApril 3, 2023
License InformationEN240 KBApril 1, 2024

By using this software it is assumed that you agree to "Conditions of Use" presented below.

Conditions of Use

  • Panasonic Industry does not warrant anything regarding the use of this software.
  • Panasonic Industry will not assume responsibility of any sort for direct, indirect, repercussive, resulting or special damage that results from using this software or from the operation of the software itself.
  • Panasonic Industry does not restrict the use, copying or distribution of this software.
    However, when copying or distributing, Panasonic Industry prohibits the procurement of fees other than the cost of media, and prohibits the applying of restrictions in use of the software.