Panasonic Industry / Automation Controls
Panasonic Industry / Automation Controls

Motion Controller GM1 Firmware Version-up file Ver.

Information you need to know before using the software (Essential reading)

About Motion Controller GM1 Firmware Version-up file

Motion Controller GM1 Firmware Version-up file Ver1.4.0.1 is file to version-up GM1 Firmware to Ver1.4.0.1.
Please version-up following the procedure in "How to Install".

Software License Agreement

Please note that acceptance of the Software License Agreement is a condition for using this software.
Please carefully review the contents and proceed with the installation only if you agree to its terms.

How to Install

1. Click on the title of the file name (listed below) that you want to download and indicate the download destination.

*When you already have indicated the download destination, the file will be downloaded automatically.

2. Decompress the downloaded file.

Firmware Version-up files(.hex files) are decompressed.

3. Create a project.

Starting up GM Programmer, preparing project file to connct Motion Controller GM1 before version-up.

4. Execute the Network Scan function and connect to the GM1.

5. Select Online>Unit Version Upgrade from the menu bar,

The "Unit Version Upgrade" dialog box appears.

6. Save .hex files to path for version update file

Administrator privileges is required to save files to the default path.
Click the [Select Path] button and specify a folder where .hex files are saved if you do not have administrator privileges.

7. Execute Firmware Version-up.

Click [OK] button after selecting the version in the Update Version column to proceed firmware version-up.
For details on how to version-up firmware, refer to the GM1 Series User’s Manual (Operation).

Motion Controller GM1 Firmware Version-up file