Panasonic Industry / Automation Controls
Panasonic Industry / Automation Controls

GM Programmer Detailed Version-Up Information

Version-up Information

Version-Up Information (Ver. to Ver. (May 13, 2024 update)

  • Updated the included firmware from Ver. to Ver.
  • Added following CNC function.
    • G05/G10 Spline interpolation
    • Scara function
    • CAD data import function

Corrected the following errors.

  • SoftMotion Ramp type Sin² error
  • Following the motion function block error
    • PMC_Home
    • PMC_ReadLatchPosition
    • PMC_StopLatchPosition
  • POU and folder can not copy betweeen projects.
  • Improved various UI displays.

Version-Up Information (Ver. to Ver. (November 8, 2023 update)

  • Updated the included firmware from Ver. to Ver.
  • Support Windows(R) 11 64bit.
  • Expanded the maximum number of real axes for RTEX from 16 to 32 axes.
  • Support star type for EtherCAT network topology.
  • Support for enabling/disabling EtherCAT devices.
  • Added MQTT client.
  • Added DNS client.
  • Added SNTP client.
  • Added the project management function block.
  • Added Extended Cam editor.
  • Added Visualization function.

Corrected the following errors.

  • Pin assignment settings are not saved correctly in PANATERM Lite for GM.
  • Improved various UI displays.

Version-Up Information (Ver. to Ver. (August 7, 2023 update)

  • Updated the included firmware from Ver. to Ver.
  • Added the buffer mode of the motion function block using single axis.
  • Added following the motion function block.
    • SMC_ChangeDynamicLimits
    • SMC_ChangeGearingRatio
  • Added following the Cam motion function block.
    • MC_CAM_REF(Structure)
    • SMC_CamRegister
    • SMC_CAMBounds
    • SMC_GetCamSlaveSetPosition
  • Added following CNC function block.
    • SMC_ReadNCFile2
    • SMC_NCInterpreter
    • SMC_ToolRadiusCorr
    • SMC_ToolLengthCorr
    • SMC_TRAFO_Gantry2
    • SMC_TRAFOF_Gantry2
    • SMC_TRAFO_Gantry3
    • SMC_TRAFOF_Gantry3
    • SMC_TRAFO_GantryCutter2
    • SMC_TRAFO_GantryCutter3
  • Added following CNC program.
    • G0 Rapid positioning
    • G15,G16 Define any plane
    • G40,G41,G42 Tool radius compensation
    • G43 Tool length compensation
    • G92 Define start position
    • H-switch Timing Synchronization
    • Sub program, Conditional branch
  • Added the position lag monitoring function of servo moror.

Corrected the following errors.

  • Improved the operability of the RTEX test run screen.
  • System data history does not display the same date and time in order of error occurrence.
  • The registration state of expansion units cannot be displayed correctly.
  • Improved various UI displays.

Version-Up Information (Ver. to Ver. (February 1, 2023 update)

  • Updated the included firmware from Ver. to Ver.

Version-Up Information (Ver. to Ver. (September 26, 2022 update)

  • Updated the included firmware from Ver. to Ver.

Corrected the following errors.

  • Network settings may not be saved.
  • The analog input/output settings may be not saved.
  • Improved error judgment processing of PMC_Home and PMC_StopLatchPosition.

Version-Up Information (Ver. to Ver. (June 13, 2022 update)

  • ncluded firmware Ver.
  • Added OPC UA server.
  • Added the comminication to display units. (Codesys V3 communication)
  • Added FTP server.
  • Added the project management. (SD backup and restore operating GM1 device directly)
  • Added following the motion function block.
    • SMC_ChangeDynamicLimits
    • SMC_ChangeGearingRatio
    • SMC_SetMovementType
    • SMC_SetRampType
    • SMC_SetSoftwareLimits
    • SMC3_ReinitDrive(also RTEX)
  • Added following CNC function block.
    • SMC_RoundPath
    • SMC_SmoothPath
    • SMC_TRAFO_Bipod_Arm
    • SMC_GetMParameters
    • SMC_PreAcknowledgeMFunction
  • Added following G code.
    • G50,G51,G52
  • Added following basic function block.
    • Calculation of Average,Maximum and Minimum
    • Linear Transformation , Range Monitoring , Flicker Circuit
    • String operation using WSTRING character
  • Added backup and restore of persistent variables by the recipe function.
  • Added the recipe function block.
  • Added the project archive.
  • Added the menu customization function of the tool.
  • Added the setting of whether to write the IP address.

Corrected the following errors.

  • When the old project is converted to the new version project, some parameter settings in the expansion unit chage to the initial value.
  • When the parameter is changed to S acceleration / deceleration in the pulse output unit, the value is not saved correctly.
  • The parameter of the input time constant of the digital input unit and digital input / output unit is not saved.
  • The parameter of the high speed counter using 4 digits and more values cannot be set correctly in some OS.
  • Improved various UI displays.

Version-Up Information (Ver. to Ver. (Feburary 1, 2022 update)

  • Added following CNC function block.
    • SMC_NCDecoder
    • SMC_CheckVelocities
    • SMC_Interpolator
    • SMC_TRAFO_Polar
    • SMC_TRAFOF_Polar
    • SMC_ControlAxisByPos
  • Added following G code.
    • G20,G36,G37,G53,G54,G55,G56
  • Added the SD card recipe function
  • Added following function.
    Data Type Conversion, Memory Operation, CRC Calculation
  • Added following basic function block.
    Memory Operation

Corrected the following errors.

  • When E point control using PG_MoveRelative or PG_MoveAbsolute is executed, Pulse Output Unit may stop suddenly.
  • Even if you enter the parameters within the set range for Analog Input Unit, it may be displayed as out of the set range and you may not be able to set it.
  • When the task interval of MotionTask is changed, the changed task interval is not reflected unless the screen of EtherCAT slave setting is displayed.
  • Improved various UI displays.

Version-Up Information (Ver. to Ver. (October 13, 2021 update)

  • Added following models.
    • GM1 Controller EtherCAT type
    • Digital output Unit(PNP)
    • Digital I/O Unit (PNP)
    • Analog input Unit
    • Analog output Unit
    • Pulse output Unit
  • Supported firmware update by GM Programmer (USB/LAN).
  • Supported PID instructions(PD、PID、PID_FIXCYCLE).
  • Added following RTEX function block.
    • RTEX_WriteCommand
    • RTEX_ReadResponse
    • RTEX_WriteEEPROM
    • RTEX_DoAcyclicCommand
  • Changed the maximum number of virtual axes to 20 regardless of the number of real axes.

Corrected the following errors.

  • GM Programmer can not be connected to GM1 Controller by USB in Windows 10(32bit).
  • Changed pre-installed EDS file for FP-XH.
  • The screen can not be closed automatically in uninstallation while GM Programmer is running.
  • The screen displayed in multi-display can not be comed back to main display after disconnecting it.
  • Error message is displayed when the dialog of Function Block Guidance is restored after minimized.
  • The display of the operand setting screen can not be switched by operand button after maximizing Function Block Guidance dialog.
  • Incorrect error No. is displayed in Status screen and System Data History screen.
  • Occurred command value error(Err.27.4) when the servo is from off to on after making a home return in modulo setting.
  • Failed clearing the multi-turn data by RTEX_ClearAmpMultiTurnData.
  • Incorrect stop postion after executing PMC_StopLatchPosition.
  • Improvement of various UI displays.