Panasonic Industry / Automation Controls
Panasonic Industry / Automation Controls

Laser Marker Firmware Updater Detailed Version-Up Information

Version-up Information

Version-Up Information (Ver.3.5.0 to Ver.3.5.1) (September 17, 2024 update)

The following points have been upgraded.

  • When using the Touch Panel Console/Monitor, the issue where the time measurement does not complete and the "Please wait" dialog remains displayed has been correctly fixed.
  • When using the Touch Panel Console/Monitor, the issue where pressing the laser pumping button during the pumping process displays a confirmation message for starting instead of stopping the laser pumping has been fixed.
  • When using the Touch Panel Console/Monitor, the issue where on-the-fly settings for all files are not restored when performing restore has been fixed.
  • When using the Touch Panel Console/Monitor, the issue where font files containing invalid character (tilde (~)) in the filename can be added has been fixed.

Version-Up Information (Ver.3.4.2 to Ver.3.5.0) (August 28, 2024 update)

The following points have been upgraded.

  • Pre-scan optimization level setting ( 3 levels to control presence of pre-scan depending on angle ) has been added for pre-scan function.
  • Added an additional control method (activate until fixed time) for time hold function.
  • Setting to enable or disable checking whether a figure in a DXF file is closed or not is added in response to problem of missing hatching lines when all the sides of the figure are not connected( not closed ).
  • Fixed an issue where hatch lines could extend outside the shape in certain DXF files.
  • Fixed an issue where an error E690 did not occur when marking data was placed outside the range of the 3D model of the cone(horizontal).
  • Added a setting item that allows you to set the character width to the same as that of LP-400/V/M/S/Z for "Character spacing type: Justify" in the character object settings.
  • Fixed an issue where changing the line width would distort logo data using the DXF file shape (circle/arc) .
  • Fixed an issue when restoring or registering a marking file from a USB memory device on the touch panel console, if the version of the target file is newer than the version of the laser marker, appropriate warning that some files are not compatible is displayed.
  • Fixed an issue where scanning speed was locally slowed down under certain conditions, causing deep markings.
  • Fixed a problem where the time was not fixed in the marking image display of the monitor panel while using the timehold function. (No effect on marking)
  • Fixed an issue where an error occurred on the touch panel console when the Laser Marker NAVI smart was connected without setting the date and time of the laser marker.
  • Fixed an error message when attempting to restore a backup file from a different model via USB memory or register a marking file on the touch panel console.
    "The selected file is not supported by the current software version. Update the version of your expansion board."
    ⇒ "The specified file cannot be used because it is for the different model of the laser marking system. If you want to use this file, use Laser Marker NAVI smart."
  • Fixed an issue when 3D marking is enabled, the Z-movement amount of the object group is displayed on the touch panel console.
  • Corrected the name of the setting item of GS1 DataBar Expanded Stacked.
    "Symbol characters in a row" ⇒ "Segments per row"

Version-Up Information (Ver.3.4.1 to Ver.3.4.2) (May 7, 2024 update)

The following points have been upgraded.

  • To improve compatibility with LP-400/V/M/S/Z, selectable option is added for not generating a warning even when the graphic file is not specified.
  • To improve compatiblity with LP-400/V/M/S/Z, the default object setting is read even when graphic objects are not yet created when using the CDF, CDC, and CDD commands in compatibility mode.

Version-Up Information (Ver.3.3.0 to Ver.3.4.1) (April 1, 2024 update)

The following points have been upgraded.

  • When LP-ZV is set to 3D, the marking time is the same level as that of LP-M/LP-Z.
  • Fixed an issue when in 3D cone setting, the focal position is affected by the direction of the marking line.