Panasonic Industry / Automation Controls
Panasonic Industry / Automation Controls

xAscender Suite Detailed Version-Up Information

Version-up Information

Version-Up information (Ver.4.5.1 Build 569 to Ver.4.5.1 Build701) (April 1, 2024)

The following points have been upgraded.

  • Changed the company name to Panasonic Industry Co., Ltd. due to the business succession.

[Modify the errors]

  • Fixed an issue where messages were sent with a QoS that was different from the MQTT QoS setting.
  • Fixed an issue where MQTT Retain function was not working.
  • Fixed an issue where the project would not restart when executing the "Restart" action while connected to Amazon AWS.
  • Fixed an issue where certain characters were displayed in the header of columns for which no tags were set when the trend table widget was displayed in a web browser.
  • Fixed an issue where RST packets were sent when disconnecting using the "Direct Socket" protocol.
  • Fixed an issue where special internal relay R could not be set to 951F and DT register could not be set to 90999 using the "Panasonic FP/FP7" protocol.
  • Fixed an issue where an abnormal command was sent to the PLC when writing a value to a String type tag using the "Panasonic FP/FP7" protocol.
  • Fixed an issue where when Swap (ABCD -> CDAB) was set for converting a String type tag in the "Panasonic FP/FP7" protocol, all characters were not written if the number of characters was an odd number.
  • Fixed an issue where global labels exported with GX Works3 could not be imported into tags.
  • Fixed an issue where importing multilingual text could take a long time.

Version-Up information (Ver.4.5.0 Build 558 to Ver.4.5.1 Build569) (September 4, 2023)

The following points have been upgraded.

[Add functions]

  • Unicode support for Recipe.
  • Added detailed settings for recipe import.
  • Added "include dynamic files" in "Upload Project".
  • Added a function to select files individually in "Delete runtime dynamic files" of project transfer.
  • Added "Line Style" to properties of line widget.
  • Added a function to create a single widget as a custom widget.
  • Added EPOCH and ISO8601 choices for date format.
  • Added a function to display a warning when accessing a web page with an untrusted certificate with the web browser widget.
  • Added function to backup/restore retention variables (FRAM) in "Manage Target".
  • Added a warning when the limit is exceeded when adding a protocol.
  • Added function to set Publish and Subscribe for each tag group in the "MQTT Interface".
  • Unicode support for mail function.
  • Added "Enable Watchdog" to "Project properties".
  • Added "Compatible alignment mode" to "Project properties".
  • Added "Allow only secure HTTPS" to simulator settings.
  • Added "Cursor Button Hide", "Horizontal Flip", and "Vertical Flip" to chart widget properties.
  • Added "Frame Color" to edit box widget properties.
  • Supported that tab widget can be used and browsed on web browser.
  • Added language switching function for xAscender Client.

[Improve functions]

  • Improved communication speed with PLC for "Mitsubishi iQ/Q/L ETH", "Mitsubishi FX ETH", "Omron FINS ETH", and "Simatic S7 ETH".
  • Improved stack widget functionality.
    - Added ability to move widgets to any layer.
    - Added a function to edit only the layer contents by clicking the lock view.
    - Added switch icon to switch layers.
    - Changed the upper limit of the number of layers from 10 to 20.
    - Added description item to layer settings.
  • Improved multi-language editor functionality.
    - Added copy, paste, search bar and filter functions.
    - Added a checkbox to display only user text.
    - Added a function to export duplicate text all at once.
  • Improved to display an icon to indicate that the widget is hidden when selecting the hidden widget.
  • Changed the default style of the keypad.
  • Changed the style of the dashboard function.
  • Improved so that you can also search for categories and subcategories in the widget gallery filter.
  • Changed the style of the user management page.

[Modify the errors]

  • Fixed an issue where the update timing of Scatter diagram widget is different between WH main unit and web browser.
  • Fixed an issue where using multi-byte characters in JavaScript that in custom widgets would result in garbled characters.
  • Fixed an issue where files exported in MultiLanguage were not displayed in the file list when importing.
  • Fixed an issue where WH main unit may restart when using tags that do not get data from the PLC in JavaScript.
  • Fixed an issue where selecting "Japanese" in MultiLanguage's "Writing system" did not filter available fonts when xAscender Studio was in Japanese.
  • Fixed an issue where a password was not required when changing resources in the audit trail function.
  • Fixed an issue where button widgets fill colors were not displayed correctly in web browsers.
  • Fixed an issue where toolbar and context menu menu names were different for the same function.
  • Fixed an issue where simulation would not work if there were double-byte characters in the file path where the project was saved.
  • Fixed an issue where the file format was incorrect and the project could not be opened when the project was uploaded to the same folder by overwriting it.
  • Fixed an issue where opening the project with "Open" would open the previous project when the project was uploaded to the same folder by overwriting it.
  • Fixed an issue where a project launched from a link could not be saved immediately after uploading the project.
  • Fixed an issue where the cursor value continued to be displayed when the trend graph was displayed on a web browser, regardless of whether the cursor was displayed or not.
  • Fixed an issue where the cursor value continued to be displayed when the trend graph was displayed on a web browser, regardless of whether the cursor was displayed or not.
  • Fixed the issue that WH main unit crashes when using "Direct Serial" in the Protocols.
  • Fixed an issue where all timestamps in CSV files output by the "DumpTrend" action were in 12-hour notation.
  • Fixed an issue where WH main unit would crash when linking a field widget value to a consumption meter widget value.
  • Fixed an issue where the "Open" button could not be pressed when the "BrowseMedia" action was executed and the displayed dialog was larger than the screen size.
  • Fixed an issue where WH main unit hangs when two field widgets are tapped at the same time and the numeric keypad is closed.
  • Fixed an issue where an error occurred when creating a table with "DBInt" action and reading it with "DBReadTags" action.
  • Fixed an issue where the recipe name added by the "AddRecipeDataSet" action in the web browser was the "Set".
  • Fixed an issue where Keyence PLC relay registers could not be read.
  • Fixed an issue where the subscribe command increased when reconnecting with MQTT.

Version-Up information (Ver.4.0.0 Build 519 to Ver.4.5.0 Build558) (October 3, 2022)

The following points have been upgraded.

[Add functions]

  • Added direct connect function to specific database.
  • Unicode supported on database function.
  • Change widget style.(xAscender Studio Ver.4.0 style is also abailable)
  • Added Stack Widget.
  • Added tab-bar widget.
  • Added tool-bar widget.
  • HTML5 supported on Web browser widget.
  • Supported that QR code widget and gesture area widget can be used and browsed on web browser.
  • Added preview function, filtering function and search function to widget gallery.
  • Added function to make dashboard page when adding new page.
  • Added protocol "Client System Variables" and "Environment Variables".
  • Added function that keep tags in sync to protocol "Panasonic FP/FP7".
  • Added function that select keyboard according to multi language setting.
  • Added function to encrypt project file and save.
  • Added function to digitally sign project file.
  • FTP server function supported encription communication.
  • Mail send action supported TLS.
  • Added function to change tags value on simulation.
  • Added function to import and export trend setting.
  • Supported multipule tags for MQTT'S payload.
  • Folder is able to open by selecting path for upload from displayed when uploading project file.
  • Supported Windows 11.

[Improve functions]

  • Changed password policy for admin password and user password.
  • "Use FTPS only" is default in FTP server setting.
  • Changed default password policy for user account that created in xAscender Studio.
  • Changed initial value of display method of the context menu displayed on WH main unit.

[Modify the errors]

  • Fixed an issue that doesn't match between Project view's page No. and Page tab's No.
  • Fixed an issue that may not be able to connect to AWS.
  • Fixed an issue that were not displayed file when importing alarm in xAscender Studio in Japanese.
  • Fixed an issue that bit (switch) action could not switch from ON to OFF.
  • Fixed garbled characters.
  • Fixed an issue that may not be communicate with PLC multiple PLC connection are set in protocol.
  • Fixed an issue that link relay may be taken as the link register when importing global variables that exported from FPWINPro7 to tags.

Version-Up information (Ver.4.0.0 Build503 to Ver.4.0.0 Build519) (March 15, 2022)

The following points have been upgraded.

[Modify the errors]

  • Fixed an issue that communication cannot be performed normally in the case of serial communication in "PLC Network" of the Protocols "PanasonicFP/FP7".
  • Fixed an issue in which communication was not performed according to the "Offset" and "Data Type" set in the tag when the protocol "PanasonicFP/FP7" was used.

Version-Up information (Ver.4.0.0 Build405 to Ver.4.0.0 Build503) (October 4, 2021)

The following points have been upgraded.

[Add functions]

  • Add the function to display the URL of WH page by QR code.
  • Add the browser language setting (Accept-Language) to the web browser widget.

[Improve functions]

  • Changed to be able to write X area with MEWTOCOL and MEWTOCOL7.
  • Changed the tag character limit that can be used per page to 1,000,000.

[Modify the errors]

  • Fixed garbled dictionary item names.
  • Fixed an issue where the project read from WH itself could not be opened.
  • Fixed an issue where the Media Player widget would take a long time to play repeatedly.
  • Fixed an issue where the setting dialog displayed on the LCD screen of the WH main unit is small and the button is not displayed.
  • Fixed an issue where setting a formula in WebPageRequest would not work.
  • Fixed an issue where setting a formula for a light widget value would not work.
  • Fixed an issue where editing an exported recipe file with text would not allow it to be imported.
  • Fixed an issue where scatter diagram were not displayed correctly when switching pages.
  • Fixed an issue where unnecessary items were displayed in the system classification of the action list.
  • Fixed an issue where if the simulator could not be started, it could not be recovered by reinstall.
  • Fixed text display issue.