Panasonic Industry / Automation Controls
Panasonic Industry / Automation Controls

Terminal GTWIN Ver.3 Detailed Version-Up Information

Version-up Information

Ver.3.44 to Ver.3.45(August 20, 2024 Update)

The following points have been upgraded.

  • Equipped with Ver.1.47 of GT703 firmware.
  • Equipped with Ver.1.47 of GT704 firmware.
  • Equipped with Ver.1.66 of GT707 firmware.
  • Changed the displayed company name to "Panasonic Industry Co., Ltd.".
  • Corrected the phenomenon that may cause abnormal termination when changing "Panasonic-FP7 series" in PLC model selection.
  • Corrected the phenomenon that could cause abnormal termination when switching the replacement screen in the dialog of switch parts.
  • Corrected a phenomenon in which "Two-Way 1" and "Two-Way 2" may not be set in the communication mode of the main unit environment settings when a general purpose serial is set for the PLC model in the GT703/GT704.
  • Corrected the phenomenon that abnormal termination occurs when entering the "/" character from the keyboard in the "Set Value" dialog.
  • Corrected the phenomenon where the "Number of Devices" on the "Recipe Setting" tab of the SD recipe function was displayed up to 4096 (correctly 100) when the PLC model selection was "General Purpose Serial" and the communication mode was "Two-Way 1".
  • Corrected the phenomenon that some items did not return to their initial values even if the "Initialize" button was pressed in the GT configuration dialog.
  • Corrected the issue where the help screen would not open on some screens even if the "Help" button in the dialog was pressed.
  • Corrected the phenomenon that even if you open the GT configuration from the "Create file" dialog of the "File"-"New" function and set the font settings for data parts, the settings are not retained.
  • Corrected the phenomenon where an "Insufficient memory" error may occur when converting GT02 data to GT703 and transferring it to the GT.
  • Corrected the phenomenon where the screen size of the file manager could not be changed.

Ver.3.43 to Ver.3.44(May 17, 2021 Update)

The following points have been upgraded.

  • Equipped with Ver.2.04 of GT02 firmware.
  • Equipped with Ver.1.84 of GT02L firmware.
  • Equipped with Ver.1.35 of GT03-E(Color) firmware.
  • Equipped with Ver.1.34 of GT03-E(Monochrome) firmware.
  • Equipped with Ver.2.54 of GT05(Color) firmware.
  • Equipped with Ver.2.64 of GT05(Monochrome) firmware.
  • Equipped with Ver.2.34 of GT12 firmware.
  • Equipped with Ver.2.64 of GT32 firmware.
  • Equipped with Ver.1.75 of GT32-R/E firmware.
  • Equipped with Ver.1.45 of GT703 firmware.
  • Equipped with Ver.1.45 of GT704 firmware.
  • Equipped with Ver.1.64 of GT707 firmware.
  • Supports 180 degree rotation function. (GT707)
  • Change the URL of "Panasonic Display Web Page".
  • Corrected the phenomenon that GTWIN does not start if the saved file is moved while the backup file is created.
  • Corrected the phenomenon that abnormal termination may occur when the Element Setup" dialog of a line graph part is closed with OK.
  • Corrected the phenomenon that abnormal termination may occur when "Panasonic-FP7 series" is selected in the PLC model selection.
  • Corrected the phenomenon that when a "Local device" is selected in the "Device Setting" dialogbox, a device that is not a local device may be selectable.
  • Corrected the phenomenon that sometimes the file cannot be opened when opening the file from "Previously opened file".
  • Corrected the phenomenon that the GT device can be set as the control device of "GT link" in GT703.
  • Corrected the phenomenon that the program number (PB) input item is displayed when selecting a GT device on GT703.
  • Corrected the phenomenon that the Auto-backup function does not work when the PLC used in GT703 is only the Ethernet port.
  • Corrected the phenomenon that the size of line graph parts may not be converted correctly when "Select PLC Model" is executed.
  • Corrected the phenomenon that "Data Logging" file may not be transferred by "Send Changed Data".
  • Corrected the phenomenon that the background display may become abnormal when "Select PLC Model" is executed.
  • Corrected the phenomenon that the data in the "Sound" file may become abnormal. (the problem does not occur)
  • Corrected the phenomenon that the confirmation message is incorrect when the GT station number file is deleted by transferring data with "Send Changed Data".
  • Corrected the phenomenon that the maximum and minimum values that can be set are not displayed when executing "Multiple Copy" for a bar graph part.
  • Corrected the phenomenon that the pasted number limit display is not the correct value when executing "Multiple Copy" for bar graph parts.
  • Corrected the phenomenon that the "Min" Device is updated when the "Max" Device of the bar graph part is changed from the "Search Result" screen.
  • Corrected the phenomenon that the PLC driver file may not be updated to the latest version when transferring data to GT7xx.
  • Corrected the phenomenon that the date and time information of the "GT Configuration" file may become an abnormal value when creating an SD card file after transferring data to GTxx (Other than GT7xx).
  • Supported Windows 11.

Ver.3.42 to Ver.3.43(August 5, 2019 Update)

The following points have been upgraded.

  • Equipped with Ver.2.03 of GT02 firmware.
  • Equipped with Ver.1.83 of GT02L firmware.
  • Equipped with Ver.1.34 of GT03-E(Color) firmware.
  • Equipped with Ver.1.33 of GT03-E(Monochrome) firmware.
  • Equipped with Ver.2.53 of GT05(Color) firmware.
  • Equipped with Ver.2.63 of GT05(Monochrome) firmware.
  • Equipped with Ver.2.33 of GT12 firmware.
  • Equipped with Ver.2.63 of GT32 firmware.
  • Equipped with Ver.1.74 of GT32-R/E firmware.
  • Equipped with Ver.1.44 of GT703 firmware.
  • Equipped with Ver.1.44 of GT704 firmware.
  • Equipped with Ver.1.63 of GT707 firmware.
  • Corrected the phenomenon that the help can not be opened if the Menu and Dialog language set to German, French, Italian, Spanish.
  • Corrected the phenomenon that an incorrect parts number may be displayed in a warning message of the Change Device function.
  • Corrected the phenomenon that a setting items that do not exist may be displayed in a warning message of the Change Device function.
  • Corrected the phenomenon that if a plurality of parts are pasted, deleting one part may cause the display of other parts to disappear.
  • Corrected the phenomenon that verify error may occur in SD recipe file when the Verify function is executed after conversion from monochrome model to color model by the GT Model Convert function.
  • Corrected the phenomenon that the part name may not be displayed correctly in the "Used for" item in the Search Result window.
  • Corrected the phenomenon that the part name may not be displayed correctly in the "Used for" item in the "Change Device Result" window.
  • Corrected the phenomenon that the pull-down item of "Reverse/Blink" setting of parts may be blank.
  • Corrected the phenomenon that a warning message may be displayed when the "Original PLC Model for which the File Was Configured" radio button is switched in the "Select PLC Model" dialog.
  • Corrected the error that the timestamp of the source file displayed in the overwrite confirmation message when up/downloading variable file is an invalid value.
  • Corrected the phenomenon that variable file is transmitted in "GTWIN -> GT Transfer Changed Data", when variable file exists, even if the GT and GTWIN are in the same files.
  • Corrected the phenomenon that can not be pasted at the specified position, when "Paste" is executed when "Screen type" of the screen manager window is "Login Screen" or "Keybord Screen" and "Display method" is "Map".
  • Corrected the phenomenon that GT model name etc are not displayed on the status bar when reading is completed in "Read from GT" at GTWIN startup.
  • Corrected the phenomenon that the base screen No.3FF becomes a verification NG when "Verify" is enabled and read from the GT in "Send/Receive Selected data".
  • Corrected the phenomenon that the SD recipe file becomes verification NG when download to GT after converting GT model the data in which the SD recipe and the variable file are registered.
  • Supports font except "Fixed (GTWIN)" font conversion function.
  • Corrected the phenomenon the error may occurs that the font set in the data part does not be installed when the file is opened.
  • Corrected the phenomenon that the position of the data part is shifted when the font of the data part is converted by the convert font function.
  • Corrected the phenomenon that the position of the lamp parts pasted in the margin area is shifted by the convert font function.
  • Corrected the phenomenon that the preview image is not displayed correctly when changing the font set to double width of "Fixed (GTWIN)" font to half size with the convert font function.
  • Corrected the phenomenon that when copy and past a data part set to double width of "Fixed(GTWIN") font, it is drawn in half size.
  • Corrected the phenomenon that the value of 32768 or more can not be set to the offset of address in "Select PLC model".
  • Corrected the phenomenon that an error does not occur when pressing the TAB key even if an abnormal value is set to the offset of address in "Select PLC Model".
  • Corrected the phenomenon that the overwrite confirmation message is not displayed and overwrite even if the variable file already exists on GTWIN when uploading from GT.
  • Corrected the phenomenon that the verification becomes NG when downloading to the GT after uploading only the SD recipe while the variable file exists in GTWIN.
  • Corrected the phenomenon that the update date and time on GTWIN side is displayed with the current date and time on the overwrite confirmation screen at upload and download.
  • Corrected the phenomenon that the overwrite confirmation screen is not displayed when send the data by the Send/Receive Selected Data function after sending the data by the Transfer Changed Data function.
  • Corrected the phenomenon that the Flow Display on the GT side may be deleted if data sending is performed by Send/Receive Selected Data function.
  • Corrected the phenomenon that the bit device setting may change to X0 when importing variable file or uploading variable file.
  • Corrected the phenomenon that data sending may be continued after the cancel button is selected on the variable file overwrite confirmation screen when downloading.
  • Corrected the phenomenon that an error message may be displayed when uploading variable file from GT.
  • Corrected the phenomenon that may be sent even if the recipe and the SD recipe are not changed by Transfer Changed Data function.
  • Corrected the phenomenon that the address conversion table of the Select PLC Model function is not the device of after change PLC Model when GT model is other than GT703 / 704.
  • Corrected the phenomenon that fails to read the SD memory card file that the Flow Display function is registered.
  • Corrected the phenomenon that the Flow Display, Write Device, Operation Security Password and Data Logging are overwritten even if "No" is selected on the overwrite confirmation screen at upload.
  • Corrected the phenomenon that communication error occurs when setting the IP address of GT with PC and GT32T connected by Ethernet.
  • Corrected the phenomenon that the time stamp of the screen data is updated when "Undo" is selected on the Change Device Result screen of the Change Device function.
  • Corrected the phenomenon that the time stamp may not be updated when executing the Change Device function.
  • Corrected the phenomenon that data of GT05 can be downloaded to GT03-E.
  • Corrected the phenomenon that communication may fail if setting the IP address of GT with multiple network adapters on PC enabled.
  • Corrected the phenomenon that the variables may be changed after importing variable file.

Ver.3.41 to Ver.3.42(August 22, 2018 Update)

The following points have been upgraded.

  • Equipped with Ver.1.42 of GT703 firmware.
  • Equipped with Ver.1.42 of GT704 firmware.
  • Corrected the phenomenon that ID/Password of FTP server function got corrupted when saving file or transferring to GT.

Ver.3.40 to Ver.3.41(July 19, 2018 Update)

The following points have been upgraded.

  • Equipped with Ver.2.01 of GT02 firmware.
  • Equipped with Ver.1.81 of GT02L firmware.
  • Equipped with Ver.1.31 of GT03-E firmware.
  • Equipped with Ver.2.51 of GT05(Color) firmware.
  • Equipped with Ver.2.61 of GT05(Monochrome) firmware.
  • Equipped with Ver.2.31 of GT12 firmware.
  • Equipped with Ver.2.61 of GT32 firmware.
  • Equipped with Ver.1.71 of GT32-R/E firmware.
  • Equipped with Ver.1.41 of GT703 firmware.
  • Equipped with Ver.1.41 of GT704 firmware.
  • Equipped with Ver.1.61 of GT707 firmware.
  • Equipped with the driver Ver.1.11 for Modbus ( RTU mode ). (GT703/GT704)
    - Corrected the phenomenon that "30000" device can not be accessed.
  • Equipped with the driver Ver.1.01 for Modbus ( RTU mode ). (GT707)
    - Corrected the phenomenon that "30000" device can not be accessed.
  • Equipped with the driver Ver.1.11 for Modbus ( RTU Mode | modicon PLC ). (GT703/GT704)
    - Corrected the phenomenon that "30000" device can not be accessed.
  • Equipped with the driver Ver.1.01 for Modbus ( RTU Mode | modicon PLC ). (GT707)
    - Corrected the phenomenon that "30000" device can not be accessed.
  • Equipped with the driver Ver.1.11 for Modbus ( RTU mode | Temperature Controller ). (GT703/GT704)
    - Corrected the phenomenon that communication with external equipment may not be possible.
  • Equipped with the driver Ver.1.01 for Modbus ( RTU mode | Temperature Controller ). (GT707)
    - Corrected the phenomenon that communication with external equipment may not be possible.
  • Equipped with the driver Ver.1.11 for Modbus Slave ( RTU mode ). (GT703/GT704)
    - Corrected the phenomenon that 4 words data can not be written to GDT area from conected equipment.
  • Equipped with the driver Ver.1.01 for Modbus Slave ( RTU mode ). (GT707)
    - Corrected the phenomenon that 4 words data can not be written to GDT area from conected equipment.
  • Changed default value of Ethernet port number of PLC Multiple Connection.
  • Supports to addresses of "9100" or more of "R" device, when the PLC model is "Panasonic FP series".
  • Added FP0H to "Template (PLC)" Parts Library.
  • Changed content displayed by Parts Attribute function.
  • Added German, French, Italian and Spanish to the Menu and Dialog Language.
  • Corrected the phenomenon that the bitmap image may expand when the bitmap image is rotated.
  • Corrected the phenomenon that the display of the status bar may not be correct during screen editing of custom parts.
  • Corrected the phenomenon that may become NG in verify function after PLC model conversion.
  • Corrected the phenomenon that transfer outside of clock can not be set with GT03 color.
  • Corrected the phenomenon that the device of the PLC registered in the Ethernet port can not be set to the Result Output of Write Device.
  • Corrected the phenomenon that "400001" can not be set to the device of the Data Logging, when the PLC model is Modbus (RTU | ModiconPLC).
  • Corrected the phenomenon that Input setting of Data Parts can not be changed when COM port is set "Not use".
  • Corrected the phenomenon that converting GT32 data to GT707 may cause an error.
  • Corrected the phenomenon that Ethernet port setting of the GT Configuration is changed when converting the PLC model of the Ethernet port.
  • Corrected the phenomenon that the address of "M" device is not correctly offset by Multiple Copy function, When the PLC model of the Ethernet port is "Mitsubishi MELSEC-Q/L Series".
  • Corrected the error in printing of Switch parts and wrong printing content.

Ver.3.30 to Ver.3.40(February 1, 2018 Update)

The following points have been upgraded.

  • Added the FTP server function. (GT703/GT704)
  • Supports connecting by Modbus-TCP protocol via Ethernet port. (GT703/GT704)
  • Supports connecting to Mitsubishi MELSEC Q/L series via Ethernet port. (GT703/GT704)
  • Equipped with Ver.2.00 of GT02 firmware.
  • Equipped with Ver.1.80 of GT02L firmware.
  • Equipped with Ver.1.30 of GT03-E firmware.
  • Equipped with Ver.2.50 of GT05(Color) firmware.
  • Equipped with Ver.2.60 of GT05(Monochrome) firmware.
  • Equipped with Ver.2.30 of GT12 firmware.
  • Equipped with Ver.2.60 of GT32 firmware.
  • Equipped with Ver.1.60 of GT32-E firmware.
  • Equipped with Ver.1.40 of GT703 firmware.
  • Equipped with Ver.1.40 of GT704 firmware.
  • Equipped with Ver.1.60 of GT707 firmware.
  • Equipped with the driver Ver.1.00 for Mitsubishi MELSEC-Q/L Series. (GT703,GT704)
    - Supports connecting via Ethernet port.
  • Equipped with the driver Ver.1.00 for Modbus-TCP. (GT703,GT704)
    - Supports connecting via Ethernet port.
  • Equipped with the driver Ver.1.11 for Panasonic FP series. (GT703,GT704)
    - Corrected the phenomenon that the station number of the notification command from GT is in hexadecimal in the case of two-way mode of General-Purpose Serial.
  • Equipped with the driver Ver.1.01 for Panasonic FP series. (GT707)
    - Corrected the phenomenon that the station number of the notification command from GT is in hexadecimal in the case of two-way mode of General-Purpose Serial.
  • Equipped with the driver Ver.1.11 for Panasonic FP7 series. (GT703,GT704)
    - Corrected the phenomenon that the station number of the notification command from GT is in hexadecimal in the case of two-way mode of General-Purpose Serial.
  • Equipped with the driver Ver.1.01 for Panasonic FP7 series. (GT707)
    - Corrected the phenomenon that the station number of the notification command from GT is in hexadecimal in the case of two-way mode of General-Purpose Serial.
  • Equipped with the driver Ver.1.11 for General-Purpose Serial. (GT703,GT704)
    - Corrected the phenomenon that the station number of the notification command from GT is in hexadecimal in the case of two-way mode of General-Purpose Serial.
  • Equipped with the driver Ver.1.01 for General-Purpose Serial. (GT707)
    - Corrected the phenomenon that the station number of the notification command from GT is in hexadecimal in the case of two-way mode of General-Purpose Serial.
  • Equipped with the driver Ver.1.60 for Keyence KV700 series. (GT02L,GT03-E,GT05,GT12,GT32,GT32-R/E)
    - Corrected the phenomenon that continuous data of more than 10 words could not be written.
  • Equipped with the driver Ver.1.60 for Keyence KV1000 series. (GT02L,GT03-E,GT05,GT12,GT32,GT32-R/E)
    - Corrected the phenomenon that continuous data of more than 10 words could not be written.
  • Equipped with the driver Ver 1.60 for Keyence KV3000/5000 series. (GT02L,GT03-E,GT05,GT12,GT32,GT32-R/E)
    - Corrected the phenomenon that continuous data of more than 10 words could not be written.
  • Equipped with the driver Ver.1.11 for Keyence KV700 series. (GT703,GT704)
    - Corrected the phenomenon that continuous data of more than 10 words could not be written.
    - Corrected the phenomenon that the error code "**0006" may be displayed.
  • Equipped with the driver Ver.1.01 for Keyence KV700 series. (GT707)
    - Corrected the phenomenon that continuous data of more than 10 words could not be written.
    - Corrected the phenomenon that the error code "**0006" may be displayed.
  • Equipped with the driver Ver 1.11 for Keyence KV1000 series. (GT703,GT704)
    - Corrected the phenomenon that continuous data of more than 10 words could not be written.
    - Corrected the phenomenon that the error code "**0006" may be displayed.
  • Equipped with the driver Ver.1.01 for Keyence KV1000 series. (GT707)
    - Corrected the phenomenon that continuous data of more than 10 words could not be written.
    - Corrected the phenomenon that the error code "**0006" may be displayed.
  • Equipped with the driver Ver.1.11 for Keyence KV3000/5000 series. (GT703,GT704)
    - Corrected the phenomenon that continuous data of more than 10 words could not be written.
    - Corrected the phenomenon that the error code "**0006" may be displayed.
  • Equipped with the driver Ver.1.01 for Keyence KV3000/5000 series. (GT707)
    - Corrected the phenomenon that continuous data of more than 10 words could not be written.
    - Corrected the phenomenon that the error code "**0006" may be displayed.
  • Added the font setting for keybord part.
  • Supports the Hight complession. (GT02,GT02L,GT03-E,GT05,GT12,GT32,GT32-R/E)
  • Added the line type and color setting for grouped graphics.
  • Added the character type setting for grouped strings.
  • Changed keyboard parts that protrude outside the screen area to be converted, when converting the GT model from GT02/GT12 to GT703/GT704.
  • Changed password policy for data protection password.
  • Corrected the phenomenon which all part numbers of messages indicating that there are no fonts of data parts are displayed with 0 when open a file.
  • Corrected the phenomenon that group deletion and editing of user part library may not be possible.
  • Corrected the phenomenon in which the same option may appear in the color selection drop-down list of the parts library window.
  • Corrected the phenomenon that custom part could not be registered in user parts library.
  • Corrected the phenomenon that variable import may fail.
  • Corrected the phenomenon in which an incorrect value may be displayed in the dialogbox of Memory Used by Screen.
  • Corrected the phenomenon that PLC station number setting may be valid when PLC model of Ethernet port is Panasonic FP series.
  • Corrected the phenomenon that an error occurred when pasting the graphic copied from the custom part onto the base screen.
  • Corrected the phenomenon that an error occurred when pasting the graphic copied from the base screen onto the custom part.
  • Corrected the phenomenon that may not be set to font size of 13 or less.
  • Corrected the phenomenon that model name of GT03-E is displayed as "Monochrome (R type / E type)".
  • Corrected the phenomenon that 65535 color parts library can not display for group unit.
  • Corrected the phenomenon that registration of user parts library may fail.
  • Corrected the phenomenon that Valid Condition and Display/Hide setting of switch part are not copied by copy and paste.
  • Corrected the phenomenon that the grouped data is combined when saving base screen containing multiple grouped data.
  • Corrected the phenomenon that the alarm history message saved in SD card is default.
  • Corrected the phenomenon that the Verify may be an error.
  • Corrected the phenomenon that the strings may be line break when uploading the screen from GT.
  • Corrected the phenomenon if double-byte characters are set in the guidance of alarm history part, it is not displayed correctly on the GTWIN.
  • Corrected the phenomenon that abnormal termination may occur when GT model conversion of data with PLC set to Ethernet port.
  • Corrected the phenomenon that internal device can not be selected when setting Modbus (RTU mode) with GT703 (Portrait) Monochrome.
  • Corrected the phenomenon that an error may occur when changing the number of replacement of custom parts.

Ver.3.23 to Ver.3.30(July 18, 2017 Update)

The following points have been upgraded.

  • Equipped with Ver.1.90 of GT02 firmware.
  • Equipped with Ver.1.70 of GT02L firmware.
  • Equipped with Ver.1.20 of GT03-E firmware.
  • Equipped with Ver.2.40 of GT05(Color) firmware.
  • Equipped with Ver.2.50 of GT05(Monochrome) firmware.
  • Equipped with Ver.2.20 of GT12 firmware.
  • Equipped with Ver.2.50 of GT32 firmware.
  • Equipped with Ver.1.50 of GT32-E firmware.
  • Equipped with Ver.1.300 of GT703 firmware.
  • Equipped with Ver.1.300 of GT704 firmware.
  • Equipped with Ver.1.500 of GT707 firmware.
  • Supports connecting to PLC via Ethernet port.(GT703,GT704)
  • Added the variable file (FPWIN Pro) import function.
  • Added parts library of 65,536 colors.(GT707)
  • Changed to store Enlargement/Reduction rate for each GT model.
  • Changed to simultaneously switch the grid and snap when click the Display/Hide grid button on tool bar.
  • Changed to sort Windows font list alphabetical order.
  • Corrected the phenomenon that font setting of alarm list parts becomes different state for each language.
  • Corrected the phenomenon that position of Lamp/Swtich part shifted when reduction on the style tab.
  • Corrected the phenomenon that the left side of the character string may not be displayed.
  • Corrected the phenomenon that the border line may remain when the line graph part is deleted.
  • Corrected the phenomenon that the positioning monitor part in the template library protrude from the table.(GT707)
  • Corrected the phenomenon that title of user parts library can not be edited.
  • Corrected the phenomenon that character setting of the added replacement was not copied when the number of replacement is increased.

Ver.3.22 to Ver.3.23(May 8, 2017 Update)

The following points have been upgraded.

  • Equipped with Ver.1.200 of GT703 firmware.
  • Equipped with Ver.1.200 of GT704 firmware.
  • Equipped with Ver.1.400 of GT707 firmware.
  • Supports the Central European Summer Time.
  • Supports the FP7 format for data format of data parts.
  • Corrected the error that the language number of the character string export file started from 1.
  • Corrected phenomenon that color graphics is not converted to monochrome when pasting color graphics to a custom part of monochrome model.
  • Corrected the error that may not be changed even when changing menu dialog language.
  • Corrected the error that the menu and dialog language might not be changed.
  • Corrected the error that Japanese yen mark is displayed in file path text box in English mode.
  • Corrected the error that an abnormal size is displayed in the coordinate and size tool bar during custom part editing.
  • Corrected the error that the parameter set to the operation mode of the switch parts may not be set.
  • Corrected the error that the GTWIN may abnormally terminate when double-clicking a device in the search result window.
  • Corrected the error that the half size characters grow larger when GT model convert is executed.

Ver.3.21 to Ver.3.22(March 6, 2017 Update)

The following points have been upgraded.

  • Equipped with Ver.1.10 of GT703 firmware.
  • Equipped with Ver.1.10 of GT704 firmware.
  • Equipped with Ver.1.30 of GT707 firmware.
  • Added the High compression of the File compression.
  • Improved the display / hide speed of those windows when "Auto Hide" is set for File Manager, Parts Library, Parts List, String List, and Search Results Window.
  • Corrected the error that the .GTT file may not open if double click the file on the Windows Explorer.
  • Corrected the error that one smaller value is displayed in the Coordinate and Size toolbar when the Bitmap is selected.
  • Corrected the error that reading and writing of SD recipe fails.
  • Corrected the error that the GTWIN freezes by saving data with boot screen set to network drive.
  • Corrected the error that the error [**0103] occurs when copy the screen data with boot screen by SD->GT.
  • Corrected the error that the error occurs when close and reopen the screen containing grouped bitmap data.
  • Corrected the error that transferring the write device function to GT may out of memory.
  • Corrected the error that the GTWIN may abnormally end when downloading and uploading a screen containing data parts to GT of Ver.1.0xx.
  • Corrected the error that the lamp switch parts may not be displayed if there are parts outside the display area.

[GT703 and GT704 firmware Ver.1.10 / GT707 firmware Ver.1.30 ]

  • Added the High compression of the File compression.
  • Corrected the error that the IP address setting from GTWIN may not be possible.(GT703/GT704)

Ver.3.20 to Ver.3.21(December 19, 2016 Update)

The following points have been upgraded.

[GT703 and GT704 firmware Ver.1.01]

  • Equipped with Ver.1.010 of GT703 firmware.
  • Equipped with Ver.1.010 of GT704 firmware.
  • Supports the GT Ver_UP_V3 to the Ethernet port.
  • Corrected the error that the red mark may displayed outside the button in the map display.

[GT703 and GT704 firmware Ver.1.01]

  • Supports the Portrait mode.

Ver.3.14 to Ver.3.20(December 1, 2016 Update)

The following points have been upgraded.

  • Supports GT703 and GT704.
  • Corrected the error that the used size of lamp parts is not included in "Parts" of "Memory Used by Screen".
  • Corrected the error that custom parts can be pasted in the screen of GT707 custom parts.
  • Corrected the error that a file is updated even when it is not saved and closed.
  • Corrected the error that the error message "Out of memory" may be displayed when selecting Total Memory Usage.
  • Corrected the error that a part name may be changed when copying and pasting a switch part.
  • Corrected the error that recipe data is not read when reading SD memory card files.
  • Corrected the error that the part number of another part in the same screen may change when switching "Lamp/Message" and "Switch" in the attribute of lamp/switch parts.
  • Corrected the error that more than 61 generations can be set for logging.
  • Added "Call FP Monitor Screen" to the operation mode of switch parts of GT707.
  • Corrected the error that the names of lamp/message/switch parts of GT707 are not displayead in the parts list window.
  • Corrected the error that the language of "PLC comment" of PLC Multiple Connection is "Japanese" even when specifying other languages.
  • Equipped with Ver.1.210 of GT707 firmware.

[GT707 firmware Ver.1.210]

  • Corrected the error that lamp parts on the base screen may not be displayed.
  • Corrected the error that GT may not start when data that the data logging has been set is transferred.
  • Corrected the error that memory is not cleared when the power supply is turned off right after the execution of clearing memory.
  • Corrected the error that GT may be reset when logging data is written into an SD card.
  • Corrected the error that the screen may move to the "SD->GT" copy screen when the "SD File Delete" button in the system menu is pressed.
  • Corrected the error that GT freezes when it moves to the FP monitor sreen after the execution of the backup/restore of PLC registers.
  • Corrected the error that a line graph part may not be plotted at a correct position.
  • Corrected the error that the OFF time of reverse/blink is shorter than the ON time.

Ver.3.13 to Ver.3.14(June 15, 2016 Update)

The following points have been upgraded.

  • Corrected the phenomenon that [OK] and [cancel] button is not displayed in the [Line Type and Color] dialog.
  • Equipped with Ver.1.200 of GT707 firmware.

[GT707 firmware Ver.1.200]

  • Corrected the phenomenon that clock is operating illegally in the summertime setting.
  • Corrected the phenomenon that the log data is stored with illegal time.
  • Corrected the phenomenon that the display is disturbed and GT freeze during operation.

Ver.3.12 to Ver.3.13(March 1, 2016 Update)

The following points have been upgraded.

  • Modified to install USB driver automatically, during the installation of the GTWIN.
  • Equipped with Ver.2.40 of GT05(Monochrome) firmware.
  • Equipped with Ver.1.140 of GT707 firmware.

[GT707 firmware Ver.1.140]

  • Corrected the error that GT will restarted when specify the Index modifier to data parts.

Ver.3.11 to Ver.3.12(December 16, 2015 Update)

The following points have been upgraded.

  • Equipped with Ver.1.130 of GT707 firmware.

[GT707 firmware Ver.1.130]

  • Corrected the error that the screen will flash when the recipe is read.
  • Corrected the error that the upload from the Panasonic-FP PLC by through-function will be BCC error.

Ver.3.10 to Ver.3.11(December 4, 2015 Update)

The following points have been upgraded.

  • Equipped with the driver Ver.1.00 for Siemens S7-200 Series.
  • Added the active screen display function.
  • Added the tool GT Memory Editor V3.
  • Added the tool GT_SD_Reader V3.
  • Added the blink setting to Screen Attribute of GT03.
  • Added the item of "Function Switch" for performing narrowing to Parts library.
  • Unified the window titles of file selection windows to "Select File".
  • Changed not to display the current value when selecting "No Fill" in the color selection setting.
  • Changed the extension of parts library file for the GT707.
  • Deleted the display of the maximum and minimum character sizes in Character Type.
  • Improved the display content of the parts list window.
  • Improved the operability for editing custom parts.
  • Improved the operation when Thumbnail or List is selected for Screen Manager Display.
  • Improved the display of the reference configuration of the line graph parts attribute.
  • Improved the function of Find devices.
  • Corrected the error that the GTWIN abends when GT model convert from old model to GT707.
  • Corrected the error that the GTWIN abends when changing screen of GT configuration after displaing the PLC multiple connection setting.
  • Corrected the "Change the font size to drag" function not to be activated in old models.
  • Corrected the error in the data parts attribute that the maximum and minimum values of input range check are abnormal.
  • Corrected the error that consecutive copying of data parts and bar graph parts cannot be performed normally.
  • Corrected the image of "Color and Form" tab in Graph Element when using Bar Graph for line graph parts.
  • Corrected the error that multiple parts cannot be moved simultaneously when the screen window is magnified or reduced.
  • Corrected the parts does not convert correctly when GT model convert from old model to GT707.
  • Corrected the character corruption of SD recipe files and logging files.
  • Corrected the error that the value of "Max. Number of File" in the logging setting back to the before change.
  • Corrected the error that can not exchange the language if graphic is behind the character string.
  • Equipped with Ver.1.120 of GT707 firmware.

[GT707 firmware Ver.1.120]

  • Added the active screen display function.
  • Supports GT Memory Editor V3.
  • Supports GT_SD_Reader V3.
  • Improved the displays and operations of the system menus including FP Monitor.
  • Improved the display of bar graphs.
  • Corrected to reset GT after copying data from an SD to GT in the system menu.
  • Corrected the error in GT707 that a flow display is abnormal.
  • Corrected the [Saving Logging File] message is displaied be according to system menu language.